Kabale RDC threatens to arrest PDM fund embezzlers – The Ankole Times

Kabale RDC threatens to arrest PDM fund embezzlers

Sunday, October 8, 2023
Kabale Deputy RDC Andrew Bakak
The Ankole Times
2 Min Read

The Deputy Resident District Commissioner of Kabale, Ronald Bakak, has threatened to arrest all individuals involved in the mismanagement of the Parish Development Model (PDM) fund.

Speaking to our reporter at his office in Makanga Hill, Central Division, Kabale Municipality, Bakak disclosed that the RDC office has received information from various intelligence sources and concerned citizens regarding the mismanagement of the PDM fund. He stated that the government is taking steps to recover funds from unlawful beneficiaries.

Bakak emphasized that the government is committed to protecting government programs, especially the Parish Development Model, and warned that they will not compromise with individuals found involved in such scandals.

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He also cautioned that any wealthy individuals or those affiliated with the government who attempt to interfere with government programs will face arrest.

Additionally, Bakak revealed that anyone planning to organize a demonstration against these directives must first contact the police and obtain clearance, indicating that the RDC office will not allow such activities without proper authorization. He called upon local councilors to collaborate in this program and minimize financial irregularities.

Bakak stated that they are determined to combat corruption and mismanagement of public funds and that they are taking a strong stance against individuals or groups that may hinder government initiatives or engage in illegal activities related to the PDM fund in Kabale district.

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