Mysterious Shooting Claims the Life of City Businessman Henry Katanga – The Ankole Times

Mysterious Shooting Claims the Life of City Businessman Henry Katanga

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The city of Kampala is abuzz with news of the tragic shooting of Henry Katanga, a well-known businessman, at his residence. The incident is currently under investigation by the local police.

Reports indicate that this alleged murder took place in the early hours of Thursday in Mbuya Hill, a suburb situated within Kampala’s Nakawa Division. The circumstances surrounding this unfortunate event have raised numerous questions.

According to a source close to the investigation, it is believed that an altercation occurred between the 61-year-old Katanga and his wife, Molly Katanga, within the confines of their home. Subsequently, their daughter reported hearing a gunshot emanating from the bedroom.

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When she rushed to the scene, she discovered her father in a critical condition, with blood seeping from a wound to his head, while her mother lay unconscious on the floor.

The security source disclosed that Molly Katanga was promptly rushed to the International Hospital Kampala (IHK) for medical attention by concerned family members. During the course of the investigation, law enforcement recovered a CZ99 COMPACT pistol with the serial number UG 16222 00061 from the scene. Several family members who were present during the incident were apprehended, and investigations into the matter are currently ongoing.

In response to the distress call, several high-ranking security officers, including the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Maj. Gen Geoffrey Tumusiime Katsigazi, and the Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) commander, SCP Stephen Tanui, quickly arrived at the scene. This rapid response demonstrated the gravity of the situation.

The lifeless body of Henry Katanga was subsequently transported to the Mulago city mortuary, where a postmortem examination is set to be conducted as part of the ongoing investigation. The results of this examination may shed light on the circumstances surrounding his tragic demise.

The Katanga couple held a notable position within their community as leading suppliers of logistic equipment to the Ministry of Defense and Veteran Affairs, and the Ugandan People’s Defense Force (UPDF). Their business ventures and connections may be relevant to the ongoing investigation.

When approached for comment regarding the incident, Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, expressed that he was yet to receive detailed information about the shooting. As the investigation unfolds, the public awaits further developments in this tragic case.

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