Report Flags Mbale, Namayingo, Kween, and Kalangala for High Teenage Pregnancy Rates – The Ankole Times

Report Flags Mbale, Namayingo, Kween, and Kalangala for High Teenage Pregnancy Rates

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

A recently released report on socio-cultural factors influencing teenage repeat pregnancies, child marriages, and low uptake of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services has highlighted Mbale, Namayingo, Kween, and Kalangala districts as having the highest rates.

The report, compiled in July 2023 and disseminated during the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence in December 2023, is part of the Heroes for Gender Transformative Action (Heroes 4GTA) program. This program is a joint district-based SRHR initiative implemented in partnership with Amref Health Africa, Cordaid, and Mifumi across nine high-burden districts.

Ms. Lilian Mugisha Kamanzi, Head of Communications and Fundraising at Amref Health Africa, mentioned that the Netherlands Embassy committed €19m (approximately Shs79b) over six years for the project, demonstrating their dedication to combatting gender-based violence.

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The study aims to understand socio-cultural drivers and barriers surrounding teenage pregnancies and forced marriages in the identified districts. The program, led by Mr. Michael Muyonga, seeks to improve public and private healthcare for family planning, pregnancies, and childbirth, with a target of reducing teenage pregnancy rates from the current 23 percent to 20 percent.

The study found a strong correlation between teenage pregnancy and forced marriages across all regions. In Mbale District, cultural practices related to male circumcision ceremonies contribute to increased sexual activities among teenagers. In Kween District, factors such as female genital mutilation, boda boda riders, local musicians, and salon operators were identified as contributors to teenage pregnancies.

Namayingo’s norm of fundraising for burial expenses at night, often in the form of a party with loud music (disco matanga), was linked to increased sexual activities among teenagers. Meanwhile, in Kalangala District, beliefs that menstruation signifies readiness for marriage lead to early teenage marriages.

Mr. Sam Cherop, the health systems strengthening coordinator, emphasizes the need for a multi-sector approach to address these barriers, especially focusing on empowering adolescents, particularly girls, in decision-making regarding their sexual and reproductive health.

Officials from various districts highlighted the importance of sex education in schools, addressing social gender-based violence, and separately addressing the issues of teenage marriages and repeated pregnancies to combat the identified challenges.

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