Sembabule Residents Slaughter UPDF Colonel's Cattle in Anger – The Ankole Times

Sembabule Residents Slaughter UPDF Colonel’s Cattle in Anger

Friday, March 15, 2024
PHOTO -- UPDF News Portal --- UPDF Director of Protocol, Colonel Naboth Mwesigwa
Simon Kapere
2 Min Read

Tension is brewing in Sembabule District as police launch a hunt for residents involved in the killing of 10 cows belonging to UPDF Director of Protocol, Colonel Naboth Mwesigwa. The incident, which occurred in Serinya Village, Kawanda Sub County, has sparked outrage among the community, shedding light on long-standing grievances against Colonel Mwesigwa’s alleged negligence.

Residents, frustrated by the continuous straying of Colonel Mwesigwa’s cattle into their gardens, resorted to drastic measures after failed attempts to address the issue through local leadership channels. Vincent Ssentongo, the village chairperson, expressed concern over the escalating lawlessness in the community, citing previous violent incidents and the recent cow killings.

Leo Kayiwa, a resident, accused Colonel Mwesigwa of neglecting to fence off his farm, allowing his cattle to roam freely and wreak havoc on neighboring properties. Despite efforts to engage Colonel Mwesigwa directly and through political representatives like MP Shartsi Musherure, grievances remained unresolved. Kayiwa highlighted the urgency of fencing Colonel Mwesigwa’s farm to prevent further incursions by his cattle.

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Residents also criticized Sembabule Resident District Commissioner, Jane Francis Kagayi, for allegedly ignoring their concerns about Colonel Mwesigwa’s cattle. However, Kagayi stated that she was unavailable when reports of the cattle’s behavior surfaced.

Sembabule District Police Commander, Davis Willis Ndaula, issued a stern warning against vigilante justice, affirming that those involved in the cattle killings would be apprehended and prosecuted. Ndaula emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and resolving disputes through legal channels.

Efforts to obtain a response from Colonel Mwesigwa were unsuccessful, as he did not respond to repeated attempts to contact him.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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