UK and South Africa Request Joint Forensic Examination of Murdered Tourists in Uganda – The Ankole Times

UK and South Africa Request Joint Forensic Examination of Murdered Tourists in Uganda

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

In a joint statement issued today, the governments of the United Kingdom and South Africa have directed the Ugandan forensic team to suspend their postmortem examination of two of their nationals who were tragically killed in Queen Elizabeth National Park last week. The victims, David Barlow from the UK and Celia Geyer from South Africa, had traveled to Uganda for their honeymoon but fell victim to assailants reportedly associated with the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

Ugandan authorities had transported the bodies of the foreign tourists, along with that of Ugandan tour guide Eric Aryayi, to Mulago Hospital for postmortem examinations. While Aryayi’s body underwent examination and was subsequently released to his family for burial, it has been revealed that the UK and South African governments have requested that Ugandan forensic experts refrain from conducting further examinations until their own experts arrive.

Senior Commissioner of Police (SCP) Fred Enanga, speaking on behalf of the Ugandan authorities, explained that the local forensic experts will await the arrival of their UK and South African counterparts before proceeding with the postmortem. Following the completion of the examinations, an official report detailing the cause of death will be furnished to the High Commissions of the United Kingdom and South Africa.

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According to information from The Guardian Newspaper, David Barlow was a UK-based businessman, while Celia Geyer held the position of a hotel executive and was a South African national. The couple resided in Hampstead Norreys, a village near Newbury in Berkshire, and had celebrated their wedding just three days prior to their tragic demise. Barlow was also known for his involvement in local community activities, serving as the chairman of Hampstead Norreys parish council and the local cricket club, as well as running a wood yard in nearby Hermitage.

Simultaneously, the Inspector General of Police, Martin Ochola, has issued instructions for the deployment of the Integrated Highway Patrol Unit on all major roads and highways in Kasese district and its neighboring areas. This measure aims to enhance security in the region following the unfortunate incident.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has strongly denounced the suspected ADF rebels for the murder of David Barlow and Celia Geyer. He has pledged that those responsible for this heinous act will face severe consequences. Prior to the attack last week, the suspected ADF group had previously targeted Ugandan citizens, resulting in the death of two individuals who were burned inside a truck.

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