Kaliro Teachers Arrested for Aggravated Defilement of Students – The Ankole Times

Kaliro Teachers Arrested for Aggravated Defilement of Students

Friday, January 12, 2024

Two primary school teachers, Grace Mukabire, 35, and Protus Fumbula Wafula, 27, have been arrested on charges of aggravated defilement. The accused individuals, hailing from different schools, face serious allegations of engaging in sexual affairs with underage students.

Mukabire, residing in Buyunga zone, Kaliro Town, is accused of defiling a pupil from Kaliro Church of Uganda Primary School in Nakiyanja Zone. Simultaneously, Wafula allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct with a student from Home Darling Day and Boarding Primary School in Bwite village, Mpande town, Namutumba District.

The allegations suggest that during the second term of the 2023 academic year, Mukabire, while at school, seduced a Primary Six pupil into a sexual affair. The illicit relationship reportedly evolved to secret meetings at the teacher’s residence for sexual intercourse, leading to their apprehension this year.

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Michael Kasadha, the Busoga North Police spokesperson, disclosed that Mukabire’s case unfolded when the victim disappeared from her parents’ home on January 6, 2024. Subsequent investigations revealed her presence at the residence of the accused, watching a movie. Mukabire has been detained at Kaliro Central Police Station under case file number KLR CRB 010/2024.

In the second case involving Wafula, investigations indicate that during the third term of the 2023 academic year, the accused teacher engaged in a sexual affair with a Primary Seven pupil. The victim eventually disclosed the relationship to her sister, leading to the involvement of Ivukula Police Station in Namutumba District. Wafula was arrested, and the case has been transferred to Kaliro for further investigation.

This incident marks the second case of a similar nature in Kaliro within less than a month, highlighting the urgency of addressing the issue. Kasadha urged the public to actively participate in the collective effort against practices that jeopardize the well-being of children.

Aggravated defilement, categorized by sexual intercourse between an adult and a child under 14 years old, carries severe consequences. Circumstances such as the offender being HIV-positive, a blood relative, in authority over the child, or a serial offender contribute to the severity of the offense. Upon conviction at the High Court, the offender faces the possibility of a death sentence.

Busoga East, overseeing districts including Iganga, Bugweri, Bugiri, Mayuge, Namayingo, and Namutumba, and Busoga North, overseeing Kamuli, Buyende, Luuka, and Kaliro, are tasked with addressing such cases in their respective jurisdictions.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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