Mubende Mob Action Claims Lives of Two Suspected Robbers – The Ankole Times

Mubende Mob Action Claims Lives of Two Suspected Robbers

Thursday, October 5, 2023
PHOTO - Mubende Town
Ibrahim Jjunju
2 Min Read

On Wednesday, pandemonium erupted in Mubende District when a group of enraged individuals confronted and killed two individuals suspected of robbery. The two deceased individuals were only identified by their nicknames, Murefu and Kabode. They hailed from Nsangi in Wakiso District and Salama Road in Kampala City, respectively.

During the incident, a third suspect, Frank Bamuhire, aged 28, and a resident of Namasuba Zone B in Makindye, was rescued by the police amid resistance from the agitated mob, which resulted in the police firing live bullets. Traffic along the Mubende-Mityana Highway was disrupted for approximately 30 minutes due to the commotion.

Initial investigations revealed that on October 4th, around 2:30 am, Janvier Bunani, also known as ‘Manager Fish,’ a prominent businessman in Kalonga Village, Kalonga Sub County in Mubende District, was attacked by three assailants armed with machetes. The attackers demanded money, leading Bunani to raise an alarm that drew the attention of nearby residents.

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The attackers managed to flee the scene with Shs6 million, two smartphones, and a Personal Video Recorder (PVR) used for CCTV surveillance. Angry residents mobilized and pursued the suspects until 6:00 am, working in groups to intercept them at Bwakago and Bukongo villages. Police successfully rescued the second suspect, Frank Bamuhire.

It’s worth noting that this is the second attack on Bunani’s business premises this year. On June 19th, armed robbers targeted Bunani’s property during the afternoon, resulting in the tragic death of police officer Joseph Oloya, who had responded to the incident.

Residents of Kalonga have been requesting the establishment of a police post in the area since January, citing concerns about security and recurring criminal activities.

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