Safety Guidelines Issued for Uganda International Trade Fair 2023 – The Ankole Times

Safety Guidelines Issued for Uganda International Trade Fair 2023

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
PHOTO - UPF - With expectations of over 300,000 visitors, including Heads of State, businesspersons, politicians, and the general public, ensuring safety and security is a top priority.
Rothschild Jobi
2 Min Read

Security Measures and Guidelines for Uganda International Trade Fair 2023

The 29th Uganda International Trade Fair (UGITF) is set to take place from October 3rd to October 10th, 2023, at the UMA show grounds. This annual event draws participants from various sectors, including local, regional, and international manufacturers, traders, distributors, and more. With expectations of over 300,000 visitors, including Heads of State, businesspersons, politicians, and the general public, ensuring safety and security is a top priority.

The joint security agencies have collaborated closely with the UMA organizers to ensure the safety of all attendees. Despite the general security situation in the country, there are no specific threats aimed at the event, assuring the public of their safety. Substantial resources, both in manpower and logistics, have been allocated to address any potential risks or incidents. The security teams, consisting of different units, such as General Duties, Field Force Unit, Counter Terrorism, Traffic, Joint Intelligence, Fire Brigade, Medical, ICT, CID, UPDF, and SFC, will maintain a visible presence throughout the fair.

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Furthermore, security measures include thorough area profiling, mapped patrol routes for foot, motorcycle, and vehicle patrols, as well as aerial surveillance using UAVs. A dedicated command center equipped with CCTV cameras will monitor all movements of individuals and vehicles around the clock during the seven-day event.

The Inspector General of Police encourages Ugandans and visitors to attend the Trade Fair and celebrate entrepreneurship. Additionally, the police have shared safety and security tips for exhibitors and attendees to safeguard against potential criminal activities during the event.

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Armed with a laptop, a cup of coffee, and an inexhaustible supply of internet culture, Rothschild Jobi is on a mission to conquer the online news realm. Today, he proudly oversees a staggering 100 news websites and portals spanning the globe, from North America to Europe, the UK, Asia, and even down under in Australia. Reach him using amnon [at]
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