Thieves Target Bishop's Bulls: Soroti Priest and Community Invoke Curses – The Ankole Times

Thieves Target Bishop’s Bulls: Soroti Priest and Community Invoke Curses

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Parish priest of St Patrick’s Catholic Parish-Madera in Soroti City East division, Fr Henry Agit, along with his congregation, has cursed thieves who recently stole two bulls from the parish kraal, belonging to Soroti Catholic Diocese Bishop Dr Joseph Eciru Oliach. The incident occurred on December 19, 2023, where unidentified individuals, suspected to be on a motorcycle, cut the fence and made off with the two bulls valued at over sh2m.

Fr Agit, joined by his Christians, conducted special prayers and rituals at the kraal on December 31, seeking divine intervention against the thieves who have been targeting the church property, including animals, poultry, and altar chairs.

During the prayers, Fr Agit fervently appealed to the Lord, praying for the speedy retribution of the thieves and the expulsion of every thief from the earth. The parish community expressed their frustration with the repeated thefts and condemned the thieves’ actions.

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Efforts were made to recover the stolen bulls through peaceful means, giving the thieves a two-week ultimatum, but when they refused, the parish resorted to seeking divine intervention through prayers and curses.

Sebastian Obula, the chairperson of the parish council, denounced the thieves’ actions and urged them to repent before God. The church choirmaster, Julius Okima, and other parishioners also appealed to the thieves to return the stolen cows, emphasizing the seriousness of the priest’s curses.

Parishioners believe that the curses, if the thieves do not repent and return the stolen animals, may have generational consequences. The theft is particularly distressing as the bulls were part of offerings made for the construction of the sh8.2b Regina Caeli Church building in Aminit.

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