Three Suspects Arrested in Kabale Kidnapping, Robbery Case – The Ankole Times

Three Suspects Arrested in Kabale Kidnapping, Robbery Case

Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Nabbed Suspects in Kidnapping, Trafficking Ring.
Namanya Elias
2 Min Read

The Police have apprehended three suspects involved in a disturbing case of kidnapping, human trafficking, and aggravated robbery. The criminals, identified as Bakerwa Henry (55), Twesigye Bashir (41), and Twesigye Sam (38), were intercepted in their vehicle, a grey Toyota Wish (reg. no. UBH 734V), along Katuna road on Tuesday morning.

On 10/11/2023 at 06:00 pm, three unidentified thugs kidnapped and trafficked Tusiime Bruce, a 29-year-old businessman from Katuna town council. The victim was assaulted, robbed of five million shillings, and dumped in the valleys of Bubare along Katuna road. Tusiime Bruce reported the incident to Kabale police, leading to the registration of a case under Kabale SD Ref: 34/10/11/2023, now CRB 870/2023.

Acting on intelligence, the police discovered the grey Toyota Wish linked to the crime and intercepted the vehicle, arresting the three suspects.

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Investigations reveal that the apprehended individuals are connected to various criminal activities in Kabale. They are suspected of robbing multiple people within Kabale town and face charges related to stealing from motor vehicles (Kabale CRB 844/2023, Kabale SD: 65/01/11/2023, and others).

The Kabale police, led by the Homicide team and D/SP D/CID officer, took prompt action. The crime scene was thoroughly investigated, statements from witnesses were obtained, and the impounded grey Toyota Wish is currently parked at Kabale police station.

The three suspects are in custody, and inquiries are still underway to uncover further details about their criminal activities. The police are determined to bring all perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety of the community.

 Police encouraged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities.

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