Critics Mock Uganda's New Electoral Commission Members as NRM Cadres – The Ankole Times

Critics Mock Uganda’s New Electoral Commission Members as NRM Cadres

Monday, January 15, 2024

President Yoweri Museveni’s recent appointments to the Electoral Commission have triggered derisive reactions from opposition politicians, with critics claiming that the move compromises the impartiality of the electoral body. Among those expressing skepticism is 2021 presidential candidate Bobi Wine, who remarked that the appointments revealed the true allegiances of the newly appointed members.

The controversial appointments include Sallie Simba Kayunga, a lecturer at Makerere University, and former NRM MPs Anthony Okello and Robert Sebunya. Additionally, Pamela Okudi, the head of administration at the Electoral Commission, has also been appointed. The timing of these appointments, preceding the 2026 polls, has intensified concerns regarding the potential influence of the ruling government over the electoral process.

Dr. Kizza Besigye, a four-time presidential candidate, has been a vocal critic of the Electoral Commission, often characterizing it as President Museveni’s “walking stick.” Besigye’s criticisms echo sentiments from various analysts who argue that the recent appointments further erode the perception of impartiality within the electoral body. The notion that the last vestiges of impartiality have been dismantled gained traction among critics.

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President Museveni has also re-appointed key figures within the Electoral Commission, including Justice Simon Byabakama, Hajati Aisha Lubega, and Stephen Tashobya. Parliament is set to vet the new appointees, who, if approved, will serve a seven-year term. The reappointment of these officials has been met with skepticism, with critics contending that the appointees are aligned with the ruling NRM party and will consequently prioritize the interests of the government.

The overarching concern among opposition figures and analysts is that the composition of the Electoral Commission could impact the fairness and transparency of future elections. The accusations of political bias directed towards the newly appointed members raise questions about the independence of the electoral process and its ability to facilitate free and fair elections.

In response to the criticism, supporters of President Museveni argue that the appointments are within his constitutional prerogative and that the individuals chosen possess the qualifications necessary for their roles. The debate surrounding these appointments is likely to persist as the political landscape in Uganda prepares for the upcoming 2026 polls.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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