Bunyala Chiefdom Ceremony Derailed by Land Dispute – The Ankole Times

Bunyala Chiefdom Ceremony Derailed by Land Dispute

Monday, April 15, 2024
Ssabanyala (chief) Baker Kimeze
Agnes Namaganda
4 Min Read

A section of the family of Ssabanyala (chief) Baker Kimeze has disrupted the swearing-in ceremony of the new cabinet in the chiefdom, citing grievances over a contentious land dispute. This incident has sparked tensions and raised concerns over the smooth transition of leadership within the community.

Ssabanyala Kimeze, who ascended to the throne following the passing of his father, the late Nathan Mpagi in 2008, has been accused by disgruntled family members of converting family land into his personal estate. The aggrieved relatives further allege that a portion of the family’s 572-acre land in Nabityanka Village, Bbaale Sub-county, was sold to GM Sugar without their consent.

Despite repeated denials from Ssabanyala Kimeze, asserting that the land in question does not belong to the family, tensions have continued to escalate. He claims that the land originally belonged to the late Adam Kikonyogo, who granted permission for its use by the Ssabanyala’s family. However, disputes arose following the alleged sale of the land by one of Kikonyogo’s relatives, Ms. Sarah Nanyonga, after his demise.

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The situation reached a boiling point when several family members camped on the property, adamant about obstructing the swearing-in ceremony until their demands for the return of the disputed land were met. The standoff intensified the following day, with some members resorting to blocking access roads to the palace and engaging in confrontations with security personnel deployed to the area.

Efforts by security officials to diffuse the tension were met with resistance, leading to verbal altercations and acts of vandalism against surveillance equipment. The disruption caused inconvenience to invited guests, including government ministers, who were turned away by the irate mob, preventing the scheduled ceremony from taking place.

Minister of Public Service, Mr. Muruli Mukasa, who was expected to preside over the event, was forced to abandon his plans as it became evident that the situation was untenable. Despite his efforts and the deployment of security forces, the swearing-in ceremony had to be postponed indefinitely.

The chiefdom spokesperson, Mr. Derrick Kaddu, attributed the upheaval to envy within the family ranks and assured the public that the inauguration would be rescheduled for a later date. Meanwhile, Raymond Odong, the officer-in-charge of Kayunga Central Police Station, refrained from commenting on the ongoing dispute.

This is not the first time such incidents have occurred within the family. Last year, similar tensions erupted, resulting in clashes between family members and armed soldiers guarding the disputed land. The intervention of President Museveni and security authorities underscored the gravity of the situation, leading to the temporary detention of some family members before their eventual release.

Amidst this turmoil, the installation of the new chiefdom cabinet, which saw the appointment of Rev Wilson Galimaka as the chiefdom premier in a recent reshuffle, remains in limbo. The unresolved land dispute has not only disrupted the ceremonial proceedings but also highlighted underlying divisions within the community, posing challenges to the stability and governance of the chiefdom.

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