Busoga's Royal Rumble: Inhebantu Mama Busoga Steps Into the Spotlight – The Ankole Times

Busoga’s Royal Rumble: Inhebantu Mama Busoga Steps Into the Spotlight

Friday, September 8, 2023
Busoga's got a queen, and it's all the rage. The world may be filled with turmoil and uncertainty, but for the Busoga people, life is complete with their Inhebantu Mama Busoga. It's a royal affair like no other, and we're here for every gomesi-clad moment of it!
Evelyn Atim
4 Min Read

In a world desperately seeking completeness, the Busoga people have found it! It’s official, they’ve unveiled their very own Inhebantu Mama Busoga, and it’s got the entire kingdom in a tizzy! The air was charged with cultural significance and the scent of impending fulfillment as the queen-to-be, Inhebantu Jovia Mutesi, emerged from the shadows in her portrait.

Picture it: a cream/off-white gomesi adorned with silver stones, and an azure sash that could put a smile on even the gloomiest day, all complementing her light skin complexion. Yes, Busoga Kingdom’s Inhebantu-in-waiting looked every bit the royal diva she’s destined to be.

The high and mighty of Busoga Sub-region couldn’t resist the siren call of Bugembe, the kingdom’s headquarters, where they gathered like moths to a flame, all in eager anticipation of the unveiling of the Inhebantu’s official portrait. It was like the Met Gala, but with more gomesis and fewer celebrities.

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In a grandiose proclamation that could’ve easily rivaled the declaration of independence, Mr. Joseph Muvawala announced, “It’s a momentous day for the people of Busoga and the entire world!” You heard that right; the entire world! Apparently, the unveiling of Busoga’s queen is the hottest ticket in the universe.

Hold onto your gomesis, folks; we’re about to delve into the royal family tree. It turns out the Inhebantu is none other than Musoga from Mayuge, and her dad, Mr. Stanley Bayole, once dabbled in the fine art of politics. He flip-flopped between the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and the National Resistance Movement (NRM) faster than a pancake at a breakfast buffet. And don’t even get us started on her relatives; they’ve got more political clout than a rooster in a henhouse.

As for the royal courtship, it was like a scene from a Shakespearean play (minus the iambic pentameter). The Kyabazinga dispatched his finest diplomats to negotiate for Ms. Mutesi’s hand in marriage. After some obligatory community work, where they graciously educated the locals about health, education, and cultural matters (and probably dropped a few hints about the royal lineage), they secured the queen’s hand in matrimony. Modern love, am I right?

Mark your calendars, folks! The Kyabazinga’s ninth coronation anniversary is just around the corner, and this time, he’ll have the queen by his side. It’s bound to be a bash that’ll make the Met Gala look like a quaint family picnic.

One royal aunt, Ms. Lydia Muloki, couldn’t contain her excitement, calling the unveiling “a relief and blessing” for the family. Imagine being the aunt of a queen! Suddenly, family gatherings become royal affairs, and afternoon tea involves discussions on the kingdom’s affairs.

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate the wisdom shared by Dr. Judith Nalukwago, who apparently studied alongside the Inhebantu at Mt St Mary’s College Namagunga. According to her, marriage is the ultimate stabilizing factor, and Busoga has now got its very own mother. Move over, politicians who called themselves “Mama” – there’s a new Mama Busoga in town!

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As a proud contributor to both The Ankole Times and NS Media, Evelyn has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and happening. When she's not busy crafting headlines that can make a hyena laugh, Atim enjoys taking long walks through the vibrant streets of Uganda, seeking inspiration in the most unexpected places—like the chaotic traffic or the street food vendors whose stories are as spicy as their dishes.
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