Kaabong: Security Forces Recover Cattle in Successful Operation – The Ankole Times

Kaabong: Security Forces Recover Cattle in Successful Operation

Friday, January 12, 2024
Rothschild Jobi
1 Min Read

A cattle raid that occurred on January 9, 2024, around midnight in Kalapata Kraals, Kaabong District, was effectively foiled in victory for security forces, according to Uganda Police reports.

The joint efforts of security forces, aided by peace-loving residents in the general areas of Naontosi towards the border with Kenya, resulted in the recovery of all twenty-three heads of cattle that were initially raided.

The orchestrated cattle raid was attributed to elements from Turkana County in Kenya, underscoring the challenges posed by external influences in destabilizing peace in the border regions. The joint security forces have assured the public of their continued protection against such external aggressors, reaffirming their commitment to maintaining peace and security in the affected areas.

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The successful operation reflects the dedication and effectiveness of the personnel deployed in Kalapata, Losera, Kamion, and Lotinyam. The Uganda Police Force acknowledges and salutes their commendable efforts in safeguarding the safety of the residents and their property.

IP Longole Mike, Acting Public Relations Officer for Mt Moroto and the Anti-Stock Theft Unit (ASTU), reiterated that the safety of the residents (wanahinchi) and their property remains the paramount priority for the joint security forces.

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