King Mumbere's Return Brings Hope to Rwenzururu Subjects – The Ankole Times

King Mumbere’s Return Brings Hope to Rwenzururu Subjects

Thursday, October 5, 2023
PHOTO - Courtesy - King Mumbere's Return Sparks Celebration in Kasese
Hope Turyomurugyendo
3 Min Read

Thousands Welcome Cultural Leader in Kasese

Kasese, Uganda – On Wednesday, a joyful atmosphere filled Kasese town as Charles Wesley Mumbere, the cultural leader of Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu-OBR, returned to the region. The community came together to celebrate, and businesses temporarily halted their operations. By 2:00 pm, people were dancing and cheering as the royal family’s helicopter touched down at Kasese airfield, located between Rukoki Bridge and the roundabout.

Throughout the day, trucks transported enthusiastic residents from distant places like Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, and Bunyangabu districts. Boda boda riders raced through the town, waving posters of Mumbere and tree branches, extending their celebrations late into the night. In Hima, hundreds gathered in the town council to commemorate the grand return of their cultural leader.

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Another group of residents lined up along Rwenzori road, eagerly anticipating Mumbere’s procession to the golf course in Kilembe, where he would address his subjects later in the day. Mumbere arrived at Kasese Airfield around 2:10 pm to the cheers of thousands of loyal subjects. By 5:00 pm, he reached the golf course, where thousands more awaited his address.

Stanley Kitanda, a devoted supporter of OBR, described Mumbere’s return as a historic moment, expressing that they had lost hope of his return to the Kingdom for some time. He commended the government for collaborating with the cultural institution to facilitate reconciliation between both parties.

Roset Biira, from Kizungu cell in Kasese municipality, was thrilled that the cultural leader had returned safely to the Kingdom. She expressed hopes that the king would lead the community towards development and peaceful coexistence.

Enock Baluku, who traveled from Bundibugyo district, urged OBR subjects to prioritize peace and strive for positive change now that the long-anticipated return has occurred. He anticipates that the king and cabinet will formulate development plans that benefit the youth.

John Sirilwayo emphasized that Mumbere’s return should signify a new beginning for development, in cooperation with the existing government. He believes there are valuable lessons to be learned during this time and that efforts will be made to prevent a repeat of past conflicts within the cultural institution.

In June of this year, the Director of Public Prosecution dropped all charges against King Mumbere and dozens of his subjects. The King, along with over 200 kingdom subjects, had been arrested in 2016 following a raid on the Buhikira royal palace in Kasese, led by the army.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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