Museveni Unveils Plans for Busoga Kingdom's New Headquarters and Roads – The Ankole Times

Museveni Unveils Plans for Busoga Kingdom’s New Headquarters and Roads

Saturday, May 4, 2024

President Yoweri Museveni has disclosed that the government intends to construct a new headquarters for the Busoga Kingdom in Bugembe, Jinja City. This decision follows the recent completion of the reconstruction of the Kyabazinga Palace in Igenge, which received a financial allocation of 12 billion shillings from the government.

During a special luncheon at State House Entebbe, President Museveni hosted His Royal Highness (HRH) the Kyabazinga of Busoga, William Gabula Nadiope IV, and Her Royal Highness (HRH) the Inhebantu Jovia Mutesi, along with other subjects from Busoga. The luncheon served as an occasion to officially introduce the Inhebantu to the President and First Lady Janet Museveni following their royal wedding held at Christ Cathedral Bugembe in Jinja last November.

In his address during the luncheon, President Museveni urged the Inhebantu to utilize her mathematical skills and accounting experience to support the Kyabazinga in implementing a 4-acre model system aimed at combating poverty among the Basoga community. He emphasized the importance of this initiative given the fragmented nature of land ownership in Busoga.

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Furthermore, President Museveni highlighted his administration’s commitment to promoting unity in diversity within traditional institutions. He called upon the Buganda Kingdom to embrace inclusivity and refrain from suppressing smaller tribes within its jurisdiction, advocating for unity instead.

The President also unveiled plans for the construction of the new Busoga Kingdom Headquarters in Bugembe, Jinja City. Expressing his satisfaction with the completed palace in Igenge, President Museveni assured that resources would be mobilized to commence the construction of the new headquarters.

Responding to requests for the return of Busoga Kingdom properties currently under central government custody, President Museveni directed the Attorney General to initiate the process for their return. This move aligns with efforts to restore and empower traditional institutions across the country.

In addition to these developments, President Museveni outlined plans for infrastructure development in Busoga, including the construction of three new roads: Jinja-Mbulamuti-Kamuli, Iganga-Luuka-Kamuli, and Kamuli to Bukungu in Buyende district. These projects are poised to enhance connectivity and facilitate socio-economic growth in the region.

Both the Kyabazinga and Inhebantu expressed gratitude to President Museveni for his support, particularly for the successful realization of their royal wedding. As a token of appreciation, the President donated 100 cows to the newlywed couple and 20 cows to the Inhebantu’s family to support their upbringing.

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