Nile Breweries Donates Shs450 Million for Kyabazinga's Wedding – The Ankole Times

Nile Breweries Donates Shs450 Million for Kyabazinga’s Wedding

Monday, October 23, 2023

Nile Breweries Limited has made a significant announcement regarding its contribution to the upcoming royal wedding of Kyabazinga William Gabula Nadiope IV and Ms Jovia Mutesi, scheduled for November 18 at Bugembe Cathedral in Jinja City. During a ceremony held at the Kingdom headquarters in Bugembe, Busoga Prime Minister, Mr Joseph Muvawala, received a Shs450 million donation from Nile Breweries, which includes both monetary and in-kind contributions.

Mr Emmanuel Njuki, the Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs at Nile Breweries, presented a symbolic cheque for Shs450 million during the event. He explained that their support includes cash and various items of value. Additionally, Nile Breweries has committed to a media partnership that encompasses advertising the wedding preparations on billboards and radio announcements. In a bid to enhance the celebration experience, special bars stocked with Nile Breweries beer brands will be made available at each of the twelve celebration venues.

Mr Njuki emphasized that the strong relationship between Nile Breweries and Busoga Kingdom, rooted in the use of water from the Source of River Nile for beer production, makes their contribution essential. Busoga Prime Minister, Mr Muvawala, expressed his gratitude, highlighting the unity in Busoga that attracts esteemed companies like Nile Breweries to associate with such significant events.

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Mr Patrick Batumbya, the chairperson of the royal wedding organizing committee, reported that the collection of funds is proceeding as planned, with a positive response from the public towards the contribution. Ms Justine Kasule Lumumba, the head of media and entertainment, praised the media for their positive coverage of the upcoming wedding.

The royal wedding will commence with the exchange of vows at Bugembe Cathedral, followed by a reception at Igenge Palace in Jinja City, where approximately 3,000 special guests are expected to attend. The event will also be virtually streamed in twelve other venues across various districts in the Busoga Sub-region.

In another heartwarming gesture of support, all clan heads in the Busoga Kingdom have unanimously agreed to provide at least one cow as their contribution to the royal wedding. The Busoga Kingdom comprises over 300 clans, representing the 11 hereditary chiefdoms. According to Mr David Iguru Isabirye, the clan heads’ spokesperson, this contribution is a demonstration of their “parental support to the Kyabazinga,” as royal chiefs are made by clan members.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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