Northern Uganda and Ankole Dioceses Forge Stronger Ties – The Ankole Times

Northern Uganda and Ankole Dioceses Forge Stronger Ties

Friday, January 12, 2024

64 members of the Northern Uganda Diocese Mothers Union embarked on a three-day benchmarking and link mission to Ankole diocese in a collaborative effort to strengthen ties and foster mutual development. Led by Caroline Cik, the President of Northern Uganda Diocese Mothers Union and the vice-president of Mothers Union of the Province of the Church of Uganda, the delegation aimed to deepen the relationship initiated in 2018 between the two dioceses.

During their visit, the group explored various self-help projects implemented by Ankole Diocese, including the wafer project producing altar bread for holy communion, a six-storeyed Mothers Union Complex, the Diocesan Millennium SACCO 2012, and initiatives in coffee and poultry farming. Additionally, the delegation toured several buildings in Mbarara city constructed by the diocese for sustainable development.

Addressing the gathering at St James Cathedral, Ruharo, Ankole Anglican Diocese Bishop Sheldon Mwesigwa commended the Mothers Union Movement for spearheading the inter-diocesan twinning movement. He stressed the importance of formal relationships between dioceses, urging bishops and men to actively support such initiatives for the mutual benefit of all provinces.

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Bishop Mwesigwa extended the vision beyond the Church, advocating for the implementation of the movement in local governments. He highlighted the potential for districts to engage in fruitful exchanges of ideas, innovation, and vision, ultimately contributing to sustainable development.

Acknowledging the role of Christian values in Ankole’s social-economic transformation, the Bishop emphasized the positive impact of grounding in Christian principles. He attributed the region’s progress to the revival movement, which addressed issues like hygiene, alcoholism, and other societal challenges.

Encouraging the strengthening of Fathers’ Unions, Bishop Mwesigwa urged visitors from Northern Uganda to invest more in their children’s education. He revealed that Ankole Diocese has engaged in benchmarking missions, visiting seven dioceses, and hosting about 10 dioceses on similar initiatives.

Dr. Jeninah Mwesigye, the Mothers Union President of Ankole diocese, commended the Northern Uganda team for their commitment to learning from Ankole’s initiatives. She advocated for continuous inter-diocesan visits, emphasizing the value of sharing experiences for sustainable development.

The Northern Uganda delegation praised Ankole Diocese for their income-generating projects, expressing their intention to implement similar initiatives upon their return. The call for ongoing inter-diocesan visits resonated with Cik, who emphasized the importance of learning from each other to foster growth and unity.

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