Ugandans Trapped in Myanmar Face Precarious Situation – The Ankole Times

Ugandans Trapped in Myanmar Face Precarious Situation

Friday, February 9, 2024

The government and diplomatic sources have revealed that around 30 Ugandans are stuck in Myanmar. They were promised jobs in Malaysia and Thailand but were coerced into fighting against the military junta.

The government stated that the situation for these Ugandans in Myanmar is uncertain, and there’s no specific timeline for their release.

Similar circumstances affect hundreds of Ugandans stranded in India and Egypt. The absence of a fund to support distressed Ugandans abroad exacerbates their predicament.

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According to the State Minister for Regional Affairs, John Mulimba, traffickers lure Ugandans with false promises through fictitious websites.

Myanmar fell into turmoil after the military seized power, alleging electoral fraud during the 2020 polls.

Efforts to negotiate the release of the trapped Ugandans have faced obstacles, including financial constraints.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has engaged the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) for assistance in rescue and repatriation efforts.

However, the timeline for these efforts remains uncertain due to the involvement of independent organizations and the complexity of international relations.

Shadow Foreign Affairs minister Muwada Nkunyingi highlights the urgency of rescuing the stranded Ugandans and stresses the need for immediate action.

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Additionally, approximately 200 Ugandans, mostly women, are stranded in India due to trafficking, while another 60 require evacuation from Egypt.

Despite calls for assistance, the government’s response is limited, leaving some Ugandans to navigate their situation independently.

The Egyptian government’s strict measures impose significant financial penalties on illegal immigrants, further complicating the situation for stranded Ugandans.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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