Government "Debt Fever" Hits 8 Trillion Shillings – The Ankole Times

Government “Debt Fever” Hits 8 Trillion Shillings

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

This government, much like a generous auntie at a family gathering, loves to spend. But alas, spending comes with a price, especially when the bills pile up faster than chapatti at a wedding feast.

In a recent report from the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), it was revealed that our dear government had dug deep into its pockets, or rather, into ours, to the tune of Shs8.3 trillion. Now, that’s a lot of zeros, even for the savviest market vendor in Owino Market. This hefty sum was spent on what they call “debt servicing.” It seems our government has taken a leaf out of the book of our most skilled borrowers – always paying back what they owe, but never quite managing to clear the slate.

According to the wise sages at the Ministry of Finance, our debt has ballooned faster than a frog in rainy season, jumping from Shs57.1 trillion to a back bending Shs96.1 trillion in just a few years. That’s enough money to build a bridge from Kampala to Jinja and back again, with a few toll booths thrown in for good measure. May be not. But anyone can get scale implied.

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Now, you might be wondering, what exactly does this debt servicing entail? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to take a ride on the rollercoaster of government expenditure. A significant chunk of that Shs8.3 trillion went towards what they call “interest payments and commitment fees.” It’s like paying a fee just for the privilege of owing money – a bit like tipping the waiter before you’ve even tasted the food.

A sizeable portion of this debt servicing extravaganza went towards domestic debt – that’s money owed to our very own citizens. It’s like borrowing sugar from your neighbor and then having to pay them back with interest, except on a much grander scale.

And let’s not forget about our foreign friends. A cool Shs1.2 trillion was sent off into the sunset to pay off our debts abroad. It’s like sending a postcard to our creditors, saying, “Wish you were here, but instead, here’s some money.”

But don’t be alarmed, fellow Ugandan, for our government assures us that they have everything under control. Finance Minister Matia Kasaija, in a moment of candid honesty, confessed that he’s become quite adept at saying yes to borrowing while quietly shaking his head behind closed doors. It’s like a magic trick – now you see the money, now you don’t.

However, all jokes aside, the situation is not all rosy. Our beloved country is teetering on the brink of what experts ominously call a “debt trap.” With our debt levels skyrocketing faster than a rocket made of Matooke, there’s a real risk of tumbling headfirst into a financial abyss.

There is still hope though, for as long as there are politicians promising prosperity and citizens with a healthy dose of skepticism, there’s hope yet for our dear Pearl of Africa. Until then, let’s hold onto our wallets and pray for a miracle – or at least a budget surplus.

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Debt Servicing Breakdown: Where Does All the Money Go?

Item Value
Interest payments & commitment fees Shs5.9 trillion
Domestic (interest) Shs4.7 trillion
Foreign and commitment fees Shs1.2 trillion
External debt amortisation Shs2.4 trillion
Total debt service Shs8.3 trillion

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