Aga Khan School scoops gold ranking in Cambridge exams – The Ankole Times

Aga Khan School scoops gold ranking in Cambridge exams

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

In a recent announcement, Aga Khan Elementary School has proudly revealed its attainment of a gold ranking in the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint examinations held in April. During the Year Six graduation ceremony at the school’s main hall last Friday, Mr. Emmanuel Ndoori, the head teacher of Aga Khan Elementary School, /’attributed this achievement to the students’ innovative solutions aimed at addressing global challenges like pollution, hunger, and climate change.

The assessment for these examinations focused on evaluating the students’ research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, communication, and collaboration skills. Mr. Ndoori noted that all the projects submitted by the students received gold ratings. He highlighted the importance of these skills in the workplace, emphasizing the value of teamwork.

Out of the 55 students who participated in the exams, 18 achieved perfect scores of 50 in English, Mathematics, and Science under the new grading system introduced two years ago. Consequently, these students are among the top 25 globally, with scores ranging from 41 to 50. An additional 24 students received high rankings with scores between 31 and 41, while six students scored between 21 and 30.

Mr. Ndoori pointed out that the school set rigorous standards, with their pass rates set at 39 for English, 36 for Mathematics, and 43 for Science, resulting in a 100 percent pass rate. This accomplishment exceeds the global averages of 33 for English, 32 for Mathematics, and 32 for Science.

Mr. Mahmoud Sayani, the CEO of Aga Khan Education Services Uganda, commended the school’s performance, underscoring its commitment to producing students capable of creating partnerships, displaying ethical behavior, compassion, and a commitment to lifelong learning. He emphasized the importance of nurturing individuals who can provide solutions to various challenges faced by the world today.

The 55 students who have completed their primary education will now move on to Aga Khan High School for their O-Level studies.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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