Flood-Damaged Schools in Ntoroko District Struggle as New Term Begins – The Ankole Times

Flood-Damaged Schools in Ntoroko District Struggle as New Term Begins

Monday, February 5, 2024

As schools officially open for term one in Uganda, Ntoroko District faces challenges as many schools grapple with dilapidated structures caused by floods in 2019 and subsequent flooding in October-November of the previous year. The affected schools in sub-counties like Butungama, Kanara, and Rwebisengo, including Masaka, Budiba, Masojo, Bwizibwera, Kiraga, Haibale, Kachwakum, Rwangara, and Umoja, are in a sorry state, with damaged classrooms, toilets, and staff houses.

Masaka Primary School is highlighted as one of the severely affected schools, with classrooms at risk of collapse. The head teacher, Mr. Vincent Asiimwe, expressed concern for the safety of over 500 enrolled pupils and called for immediate attention to renovate classroom floors, walls, and purchase desks.

Several other schools, including Umoja Primary School and Rwangara Primary School, are also grappling with the aftermath of floods. The situation has persisted since 2019, leading to reduced enrollment as communities witness mass migration due to flooding. The head teachers of these schools emphasized the urgent need for renovations and reconstruction.

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District leaders, during an inspection, cited budgetary constraints as a hurdle in addressing the immediate solutions for the affected schools. Mr. Masereka Mubaraka, the district education officer, acknowledged the challenges and stated that the district had reached out to the Ministry of Education for support, but funding has not been received. The minimum amount required to address the challenges in the affected schools is estimated at Shs3 billion.

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