Government Transfers 650 Vocational Teachers to Secondary Schools – The Ankole Times

Government Transfers 650 Vocational Teachers to Secondary Schools

Thursday, February 8, 2024
PHOTO - U Learn Uganda
Olga Nassaali
2 Min Read

The Ugandan government has transferred 651 teachers from Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions to various secondary schools nationwide.

This move, according to the Ministry of Education and Sports, aims to promote practical learning in TVETs while addressing staffing shortages in secondary schools, particularly in rural areas.

Mr. Dennis Mugimba, the ministry spokesperson, stated that the affected teachers, previously teaching theoretical subjects, lacked the practical skills required in TVETs. Hence, they are being redeployed to secondary schools where their expertise is needed.

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Teachers were directed to collect their transfer forms from the ministry’s headquarters in Kampala, signaling the commencement of the transfer process.

This initiative aligns with the 2019 TVET policy, focusing on enhancing the quality of education in public and private TVETs by integrating and training instructors according to minimum competence-based qualifications.

As a result of the reorganization, teachers specializing in non-practical subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, Entrepreneurship, History, and Business Studies were rendered redundant in TVETs and reassigned to secondary schools facing staffing gaps.

Mr. John Muyingo, the State Minister for Higher Education, emphasized the continued offering of these subjects in TVETs but in updated formats aligned with job market demands.

Mr. Muyingo justified the transfers as a means to address staffing discrepancies, ensuring that resources are distributed equitably across regions.

However, concerns have been raised by Mr. Filbert Bates Baguma, the secretary-general of the Uganda National Teachers Union (Unatu), regarding the adequacy of training for TVET teachers transitioning to secondary schools. He emphasized the importance of proper preparation to ensure effective teaching outcomes.

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Mr. Mugimba countered these concerns, asserting that secondary school teachers possess the necessary skills and will seamlessly integrate into their new roles.

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Born and raised in the heart of Uganda, Olga developed a deep appreciation for the power of storytelling from a young age. Her curiosity about the world and its myriad complexities led her to pursue a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, graduating with honors from Makerere University. This was just the beginning of her journey into the world of news publishing.
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