Kyambogo University Initiates Disciplinary Action Over Sexual Harassment Allegations – The Ankole Times

Kyambogo University Initiates Disciplinary Action Over Sexual Harassment Allegations

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Kyambogo University has taken action against a staff member accused of gross misconduct and sexual harassment. The accused, senior lecturer Dr. Lawrence Eron, aged 56, faces allegations of aggravated defilement involving a 16-year-old visually impaired girl.

According to Police Spokesperson Mr. Fred Enanga, Dr. Eron allegedly committed the offense during his tenure as the Dean of the Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation. The victim was reportedly a student at a secondary school in Mukono District. Dr. Eron has since disappeared from the university, and his current whereabouts are unknown.

Speaking to journalists at Kyambogo University, Vice Chancellor Prof. Eli Katunguka disclosed that following the emergence of these allegations, the university initiated an investigation. A committee was tasked with probing the matter, conducting inquiries from November 13, 2023, to January 19, 2024. The committee subsequently submitted its findings to the Vice Chancellor, who forwarded them to the Acting University Secretary to initiate disciplinary proceedings.

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The investigation concluded that Dr. Eron was culpable of gross misconduct related to sexual harassment, actions damaging the university’s image and status, and unprofessional or unethical conduct.

Given Dr. Eron’s absence from duty, the university has ceased remitting his salary effective from March 1 until the conclusion of the investigations. Mr. Arthur Katongole, the Acting University Secretary, emphasized that if Dr. Eron is found guilty, he will not be compensated. However, if the investigations exonerate him, he will receive payment for the withheld months.

The university administration plans to summon Dr. Eron before the appointments committee to address the allegations against him. They will use various means, including emails and communication through his relatives, to notify him and allow a 14-day response period. Failure to respond will lead to the appointments board proceeding with the case in his absence, as permitted by law.

Furthermore, the police issued an arrest warrant against Dr. Eron last month after he breached police bond on December 14, 2023.

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Leila Baku Mohammed is the NS Media publisher for the West Nile Region.
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