Preparations Underway for Primary Leaving Examinations in Soroti: A Briefing for Invigilators and Scouts – The Ankole Times

Preparations Underway for Primary Leaving Examinations in Soroti: A Briefing for Invigilators and Scouts

Friday, November 3, 2023

A group of 299 invigilators and scouts from Soroti city and district have received essential briefings in preparation for the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) set to take place next week. PLE is a significant examination for primary school finalists (Primary Seven students) as it determines their eligibility for secondary school.

The upcoming PLE is scheduled to commence on Tuesday, November 7, with the initial briefing of candidates. Subsequently, the finalists will sit for their Mathematics and Social Studies (SST) exams the following day, culminating with Integrated Science and English examinations on Thursday.

During the briefing session held at Pioneer Primary School in Soroti City, Hellen Christine Amongin, the examinations monitor, emphasized the importance of invigilators and scouts abstaining from alcohol consumption throughout the examination period.

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Soroti district exhibited a higher number of scouts and invigilators compared to Soroti city. In accordance with the guidelines established by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB), no teaching or coaching of candidates is permitted after the briefing of chief invigilators, invigilators, and exam distributors. Furthermore, any candidate found involved in exam malpractice will face disqualification.

Strict restrictions are also in place regarding the presence of journalists or press teams within the examination center. Simon Emoru Anango, the district inspector of schools, disclosed that Soroti district has 4,276 candidates registered for PLE, while Soroti city has 3,162 candidates. This year’s PLE in Soroti will be managed by 172 invigilators, 60 chief invigilators, and nine distributors. Emoru urged schools to provide meals for candidates, encouraged community members to prevent their animals from grazing along roads, and stressed the importance of chief invigilators efficiently managing time.

In Kapelebyong district, also situated in the Teso sub-region, the education department is scheduled to conduct a briefing for field officers on Friday, November 3. Stephen Olinga, the district’s inspector of schools, expressed that this briefing is crucial in reducing instances of exam malpractice, which often result in result cancellations and candidate disqualifications. Kapelebyong will have at least 110 officials supervising this year’s PLE to ensure a fair and secure examination environment.

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