School Head Teacher Arrested for Mishandling Funds – The Ankole Times

School Head Teacher Arrested for Mishandling Funds

Sunday, September 24, 2023
Head Teacher Accused of Misusing School Funds
Evelyn Atim
3 Min Read

In a recent incident at Kabaale Roman Catholic Primary School in Kyamulibwa Sub-County, Kalungu District, the head teacher, Mr. Dominic Mukasa, has been arrested by members of the school management committee (SMC). They accuse him of not properly accounting for government-issued capitation grants, which amount to Shs3.4 million.

The capitation grant, released by the government quarterly, is intended to support schools implementing the Universal Primary/Secondary Education scheme (UPE/USE). This funding is allocated for various purposes, including purchasing textbooks, educational materials, school maintenance, administrative costs, and utility payments such as water and electricity. Each year, the government provides Shs14,000 for each pupil in UPE schools.

SMC members claimed that over the past term, more than Shs3 million of the school’s government funding has not been properly accounted for. This financial discrepancy has raised concerns among the school community.

Mr. George William Kasozi, representing old students on the school management committee, expressed dissatisfaction with Mr. Mukasa’s performance, noting a decline in the school’s academic results and the overall state of the institution. He cited instances where critical school property lacked proper security measures, such as padlocks.

Teachers and staff also expressed demoralization due to poor welfare conditions, despite the availability of funds meant to improve their working environment.

When questioned about the missing funds, Mr. Mukasa allegedly explained that a significant portion of the money was spent on his transportation costs, leaving inadequate resources for essential learning materials.

In response, members of the school management committee refused Mr. Mukasa’s request for forgiveness and insisted on involving the police in the investigation.

Mr. Eria Mbalaala, the chairperson of Kyamulibwa sub-county, called for an investigation into Mr. Mukasa’s tenure as head teacher, highlighting the school’s declining performance and the lack of district intervention.

The school management committee ultimately decided to petition the district’s education department to transfer Mr. Mukasa to another school and seek the recovery of the missing funds.

Mr. Abubaker Ssuuna, the inspector of schools in Kyamulibwa Sub County, criticized the committee’s decision to lock Mr. Mukasa in his office, suggesting that they should have reported the matter to the district for investigation before involving the police.

On Saturday, Mr. Mukasa was granted a police bond and instructed to return on October 7 to follow up on his case.

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As a proud contributor to both The Ankole Times and NS Media, Evelyn has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and happening. When she's not busy crafting headlines that can make a hyena laugh, Atim enjoys taking long walks through the vibrant streets of Uganda, seeking inspiration in the most unexpected places—like the chaotic traffic or the street food vendors whose stories are as spicy as their dishes.
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