Tumwebaze Advocates for Tolerance Among University Student Leaders at ELP Retreat – The Ankole Times

Tumwebaze Advocates for Tolerance Among University Student Leaders at ELP Retreat

Monday, January 15, 2024
PHOTO -- Frank Tumwebaze, Agriculture Minister
Agnes Namaganda
3 Min Read

Agriculture Minister Frank Tumwebaze cautioned university student leaders against resorting to extremism and urged them to embrace tolerance for diverse opinions in a speech delivered at the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) in Jinja. The minister expressed concern over the escalating levels of violent extremism within higher education institutions, emphasizing the need for student leaders to foster constructive dialogue instead of confrontation and aggression in resolving conflicts.

The ELP, a five-day retreat attended by 140 student leaders from Makerere University, focused on quality leadership, service delivery, and responsible living. The program, spearheaded by Minister of Education Janet Museveni in collaboration with Life Ministries International and Global Leaders Summit, aims to equip student leaders across the country with essential leadership skills and promote responsible living to address health risks like HIV/AIDS.

Minister Tumwebaze underscored the pivotal role universities play in shaping the political careers of young individuals. He advised student leaders to cultivate tolerance early in their lives to enhance their judgment and contribute positively to the governance of society. Tumwebaze cautioned against adopting confrontational tendencies in political careers, urging leaders to prioritize listening and understanding diverse political voices.

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Highlighting the importance of student leaders as agents of change, Tumwebaze encouraged them to pilot acceptable leadership codes and ethical standards. He emphasized that students, in their formative stages, possess the ability to learn, unlearn, analyze, and adopt new ideas, making them ideal candidates for promoting responsible leadership.

Barbra Kaija, co-chair of Life Ministries International Uganda, mentioned that the trainees received curriculums focusing on ELP concepts, which they will use to disseminate acquired skills to their peers at Makerere University. The curriculum addresses concerns about declining morality among young people, emphasizing self-respect and reverence for parents.

Robert Maseruka, the Makerere University Guild president, highlighted the significance of tolerance in shaping young leaders. He stressed that fostering an environment where student leaders openly share ideas on acceptable practices is crucial for strengthening their political capabilities. As the 2026 general elections approach, Maseruka believes that promoting dialogue and understanding diverse opinions will contribute to the transformation of lives rather than prioritizing selfish demands.

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