Uganda's Graduates Embrace Entrepreneurship and Volunteering – The Ankole Times

Uganda’s Graduates Embrace Entrepreneurship and Volunteering

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Graduating in Uganda often marks the end of academic journeys and the beginning of the challenging quest for employment. Recognizing the tough terrain, institutions are now preparing students with additional skills to navigate the job market effectively. This proactive approach aims to equip graduates for success amid the reality of unemployment.

Many graduates are adopting diverse strategies to overcome the employment challenge. Mr. Dickson Baryahabwe, a postgraduate diploma holder in Human Resource and Management from Bishop Stuart University, emphasized multitasking and ventured into agriculture while awaiting employment in his profession.

Other graduates, like Mr. Allan Nuwasiima with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, are opting to work as volunteers, keeping their minds open to various opportunities. Mr. Michael Tumwakire, an Agriculture and Community Development graduate, has chosen to engage in community farming to make a living.

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Entrepreneurship is also on the rise among graduates. Mr. Joshua Ainembabazi, a Business Administration graduate, plans to start his own business rather than waiting for traditional employment. Similarly, Mr. Colleb Tusingwire, a Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, aims to establish a YouTube channel, relying on content creation for income.

Sharing their experiences, graduates like Ms. Annah Asiimwe, a teacher turned florist, and Mr. Tom Karuhanga, who started a salon and decorations business, highlight the importance of exploring alternative opportunities beyond their academic disciplines.

Leaders and experts provide advice to graduates, encouraging volunteering, exploring diverse opportunities, and not getting stuck in one’s field of study. Minister Evelyn Anite suggests volunteering to gain experience, while Ankole Bishop Sheldon Mwesigwa advocates for a mindset change to explore various earning opportunities. Educationalist Ms. Lucky Natukunda advises graduates to be open to different career paths, including taxi business, volunteering, and cleaning services.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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