700 Km Walking Expedition Raises Awareness for River Nile – The Ankole Times

700 Km Walking Expedition Raises Awareness for River Nile

Monday, October 2, 2023

Geoffrey Walker Ayeni is leading a journey from Elegu on the Uganda-South Sudan border to the source of the Nile in Jinja and Munyonyo in Kampala. The goal is to bring attention to the challenges and opportunities related to the River Nile.

The expedition, which began on September 28, 2023, involves Ayeni and a team of six other walkers, supported by technical staff from the Ministry of Water and Environment, as well as journalists. As of now, they have completed 10% of the 700km journey and are currently in Nwoya. They will continue to Oyam on Monday, October 2, 2023. The entire journey is expected to take 20 days.

One of the key purposes of this walk is to create awareness for the upcoming Nile Basin Discourse Forum (NBDF), scheduled to occur at Speke Resort Munyonyo from October 16 to 18, 2023. This event will bring together government representatives, ministers, academics, civil society members, and development partners to discuss transboundary water cooperation and sustainable development goals.

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The theme for this year’s forum is “Deepening Nile Co-operation and accelerating the Achievements of SDGs in the Changing Climate,” which aligns with the region’s complex dynamics.

The Ministry of Water and Environment, in partnership with the Walkers Association of Uganda, organized this walking expedition, which will pass through various regions before ending at Speke Resort Munyonyo on October 16. The walk aims to raise public awareness about the importance of protecting the River Nile from pollution and degradation, especially in the face of climate change.

Alfred Okidi, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Water and Environment, emphasized that the dialogue during the forum would strengthen the connection between transboundary water cooperation and human development, contributing to the realization of the seventeen sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The forum began with virtual webinars on September 18 and will transition to physical meetings at Speke Resort Munyonyo from October 16 to 18. Alfred Okidi also reaffirmed Uganda’s commitment to participating in collaborative efforts to promote shared prosperity in the Nile Basin region.

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