Hoima District Works on 18km Roads After Rain Subsides – The Ankole Times

Hoima District Works on 18km Roads After Rain Subsides

Friday, January 19, 2024

Hoima District local government has resumed maintenance works on over 18km of roads in three sub-counties. Charles Kumakech Oluba, the Chief Administrative Officer of Hoima, stated that the work resumed after the rains subsided. The district utilized sh250 million from the sh1 billion received from the central government in the financial year 2023/24 for the first quarter fund.

Currently, the 7km Kitegwa–Nzorobi–Ngemwa Road in Kabale sub-county, costing sh87 million, and the 3km Kiburwa–Rutoma Road in Kitoba sub-county, costing sh40 million, have been completed. The district is now working on the 5km Kihesi–Kababwa Road in Kiganja sub-county at sh90 million.

The maintenance work includes bush clearing, road shaping, spot gravelling, and the installation of culverts. However, the district faced a challenge as their grader broke down. Felix Ongirowth, the Secretary for Works and Production, mentioned that the completed roads would be inspected to ensure value for money.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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