Masindi Flood Victims Turn to Mudfish Amidst Hunger Crisis – The Ankole Times

Masindi Flood Victims Turn to Mudfish Amidst Hunger Crisis

Monday, January 15, 2024

Over 260 households find themselves struggling with the harsh reality of hunger in the aftermath of devastating floods that struck Kimengo Sub-county in Masindi District in November 2023. The floods, triggered by heavy rains and the bursting of the River Kafu, wreaked havoc on more than 600 acres of maize fields, displacing families and leaving a trail of destruction.

Residents, facing the dire consequences of the submerged agricultural fields, have resorted to unconventional means for survival. Mr. Bright Mugume, the chairperson of Kimengo Sub-county, revealed that the floodwaters brought mudfish, which residents are now catching as a source of food. However, elders in the community struggle with fishing and face hunger unless aided by compassionate individuals willing to share their catch.

“The gardens were submerged, and mudfish emerged, becoming a crucial source of sustenance for affected residents. Elders find it challenging to fish, and without good Samaritans to assist them, they go hungry as our crops were destroyed, and alternative food sources are scarce,” explained Mr. Mugume.

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Despite the acknowledgment of some aid by Mr. Job Byaruhanga, the Masindi District agricultural officer, it falls short of meeting the urgent needs of the affected population. The villages of Karangwe, Kayera, Miyeba, Karwara, Kibanja, Kabogoba, Kingungulu, Nyakarongo, and Kididima in Kimengo Sub-county continue to grapple with the aftermath of the disaster.

Mr. Richard Kyamanywa, an affected resident, appealed for government intervention to rebuild and recover from the substantial losses incurred. The destruction not only claimed valuable agricultural products and livestock but also washed away essential belongings, leaving families in a state of despair.

Calling for emergency shelters, food supplies, and support for community rebuilding, Mr. Kyamanywa emphasized the need for swift government action. Mr. David Mugarura from Myeba Nyakarongo Village echoed this sentiment, stressing the urgency for essential supplies like food, medicine, and shelter.

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