NEMA Halts Illegal Sand Mining Operation in Mukono District – The Ankole Times

NEMA Halts Illegal Sand Mining Operation in Mukono District

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
PHOTO -- PML Daily
Simon Kapere
2 Min Read

NEMA, supported by Police and UPDF, conducted a targeted operation on Lake Victoria, resulting in the arrest of illegal sand miners in the Villages of Mbazi, Buleebi, and Sowe within Mpunge Sub County, Mukono District. The operation also led to the confiscation of equipment worth billions, underscoring the seriousness of the environmental violation.

William Lubuulwa, a Senior Public Relations Officer at NEMA, affirmed that those apprehended would face prosecution in court. He emphasized NEMA’s commitment to enforcing environmental laws, citing the National Environment Act No A.5, 2019, which prohibits the disruption of the peace of lakes, rivers, and wetlands.

Illegal sand mining poses a significant threat to the ecosystem, impacting water filtration, flood management, and biodiversity. Lubuulwa urged offenders to explore alternative livelihoods such as agriculture, highlighting the fertile nature of the region.

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The Lake Victoria Basin, rich in alluvial deposits containing sand, faces the challenge of unregulated sand mining despite its adverse environmental consequences. Dr. Jerome Ssebadduka Lugumira, leading the operation, stressed the importance of collaborative efforts between NEMA and the fisheries sector to combat illegal sand mining.

Dr. Ssebadduka emphasized the critical role of sand in the lake ecosystem, serving as a spawning ground for fish. He warned against the presumption that sand resources are scarce elsewhere, reiterating the need to protect the lake’s ecosystem from further degradation.

Efforts to eradicate illegal sand mining are vital to safeguarding the environment, promoting sustainable resource extraction, and preserving the biodiversity of Lake Victoria.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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