Flooding Wreaks Havoc on Farmers Along River Kafu – The Ankole Times

Flooding Wreaks Havoc on Farmers Along River Kafu

Monday, November 13, 2023

Farmers in Hoima and Kyankwanzi districts are facing significant losses as floods from the River Kafu submerged their crops. The river, acting as the border between the two districts, overflowed after heavy rain on November 6, disrupting local business and transport.

The affected crops include rice, beans, maize, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbages, commonly grown in the Kafu wetland area. Officials from Kyankwanzi and Hoima reported that hectares of crop gardens in villages like Kikonda, Kyamusakazi, Katereiga, and Karongo have been submerged.

Florence Kobusinge, a rice farmer, shared her loss of over six acres of rice, unable to access her garden. Deputy Resident District Commissioner for Kyankwanzi, Pelusi Kabale, mentioned ongoing assessments as the extent of the damage is still uncertain due to high water levels in some areas.

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Farmers are now urging the Office of the Prime Minister to provide relief food to prevent potential starvation. Jamil Kasangaki, the Buhanika Sub-County LCIII chairperson, stated that authorities are compiling a list of affected residents and will submit it for assistance.

Justus Mwesige, a vegetable farmer, described losing two acres of cabbages and one acre of tomatoes at the harvesting stage. With water levels still high, access to gardens remains impossible for many farmers.

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) issued warnings to residents settling near riverbanks, urging them to evacuate promptly. The increasing water levels pose a threat to neighboring communities, emphasizing the need for immediate action.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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