Rains Disrupt Vital Roads in Uganda's Elgon Region – The Ankole Times

Rains Disrupt Vital Roads in Uganda’s Elgon Region

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Elgon region in eastern Uganda is currently grappling with the devastating impacts of relentless torrential rains, which have led to the destruction of critical infrastructure, including bridges, and have left numerous communities isolated. The region, known for its susceptibility to disasters, is experiencing severe consequences, such as the loss of livestock, inundated farmlands, and the risk of food insecurity, particularly in areas heavily reliant on agriculture.

In Sironko district, the situation has triggered alarm among residents and local authorities, with major community roads being rendered impassable. Vincent Gizamba, an LC5 councillor, highlighted the dire circumstances faced by the residents of Budadiri town council, where farmers are unable to access markets, resulting in significant losses. Additionally, vulnerable populations such as the sick and expectant mothers are bearing the brunt of the physical challenges brought about by the incessant rains.

Residents are expressing distress over the deteriorating road network and are calling for urgent intervention from relevant authorities to address the ongoing crisis and prevent similar occurrences in the future. The need for culverts to mitigate the impact of the rains has been emphasized, with community leaders urging swift action to avert further deterioration of the situation.

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In Bududa district, both residents and tourists are grappling with the adverse effects of the inclement weather. Tourists planning to visit the Wagagai peak, the highest point on Mt Elgon, are facing significant disruptions due to the impassable roads caused by heavy rainfall. Charles Walimbwa, the LC3 chairperson of Bushiyi, highlighted the vulnerability of Bududa’s roads to destruction, emphasizing the detrimental impact on tourism activities in the region.

The damage to tourism infrastructure, including roads leading to popular destinations like Mt Elgon National Park and Sipi Falls, is dealing a blow to Uganda’s tourism sector, a crucial source of foreign exchange revenue. Bashir Hangi, the Uganda Wildlife Authority communications manager, emphasized the importance of prioritizing tourism roads to support the sector’s contribution to the economy.

The Uganda Red Cross Society has conducted rapid mapping assessments, revealing widespread destruction across several districts, including farmlands, schools, and mudslide-prone areas. Efforts to address the aftermath of the rains have been underway, with search and rescue missions conducted in severely affected areas such as Kasese district, where landslides claimed the lives of three children.

Amid the escalating crisis, local leaders and legislators are advocating for sustainable solutions to address the challenges posed by the damaged road network. Emmanuel Omoding, the Serere County MP, emphasized the need for long-term measures, such as the construction of modern permanent bridges and drainage channels, to manage rainwater effectively and mitigate future disasters. Fadil Twallah, a legislator from Tingye County, underscored the importance of allocating resources for road maintenance and disaster management to safeguard the economy and livelihoods of local communities.

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Mary Nandutu is a news writer who contributes to NS Media and The Ankole Times. Whether it's breaking news or in-depth features, Mary delivers with precision and style.
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