Former CAO Hands Over Office; Some Leaders in Obongi Call for Further Investigation – The Ankole Times

Former CAO Hands Over Office; Some Leaders in Obongi Call for Further Investigation

Monday, April 1, 2024
Obongi District Local Government Sign Post
Okidi Patrick
2 Min Read

Obongi – The former Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Obongi district, Mr. Andrew Leru, has finally handed over to the new CAO, Mr. Otim Benson Humphrey, at the Obongi district headquarters.

This follows pressure from district councilors, led by Hon. Aliga Ahmed, who threatened to close the CAO’s office due to his failure to hand over. They accused him of suspected rampant corruption, which they claimed had contributed to Obongi’s poor performance in education, health, wealth creation, and infrastructure.

Residents and leaders in Obongi district have expressed gratitude to the Minister of Local Government for removing Andrew Leru as the CAO of Obongi district. They described his removal as an “Easter gift” to the people of Obongi and expressed hope that the new CAO will not follow Leru’s alleged corrupt practices. Leru is reportedly a suspect and witness in over 200 corruption scandals at Obongi CPS. The State House Anti-Corruption Unit and the Inspectorate of Government (IGG) have already investigated Leru.

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Last Thursday, the embattled former CAO of Obongi, Leru Andrew, was arrested by police, led by the Criminal Intelligence Officer, Mr. Okuni Tom. This occurred after Leru stubbornly refused to record a statement regarding a case involving shoddy work and the neglect of the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) in the construction of a three-bedroom doctor’s house at Itula Health Center III in Itula sub-county, Obongi district. The project reportedly cost over 230 million shillings.

Leru was released after recording a statement at Obongi CPS.

Currently, Leru has been appointed as the new CAO of Manafa district.

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