Gender Minister Amongi to Challenge Aceng for Lira City Woman MP Seat – The Ankole Times

Gender Minister Amongi to Challenge Aceng for Lira City Woman MP Seat

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Gender Minister Amongi to Challenge Aceng for Lira City Woman MP Seat
The Ankole Times
2 Min Read

Gender Minister Betty Amongi has confirmed that she intends to contest against incumbent Dr Jane Ruth Aceng for the Lira City Woman MP seat in 2026.

Amongi, who is a member of the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) party, is reportedly planning to cross over to the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) to contest the election.

She has not yet officially announced her defection to the NRM, but she has been making several trips to Lira City in recent months and has been meeting with NRM leaders.

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Amongi is said to be unhappy with the way Aceng has represented the Lira City Woman MP constituency and believes that she can do a better job.

Aceng, who is a member of the NRM party, has been the Lira City Woman MP since 2016. She is a medical doctor by profession and has served as the Minister of State for Health since 2016.

The 2026 Lira City Woman MP race is expected to be a closely fought contest between Amongi and Aceng. Both women are well-known and respected in Lira City.

It remains to be seen whether Amongi will be able to cross over to the NRM and contest the election without facing any legal challenges. However, if she is successful, the 2026 Lira City Woman MP race will be a must-watch contest.

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