Jimmy Spire Accuses Parliament of Cowardly Retreat from Accountability – The Ankole Times

Jimmy Spire Accuses Parliament of Cowardly Retreat from Accountability

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Silence Breeds Resistance: #UgandaParliamentExhibition Continues Amidst Inaction

Jimmy Spire, a notable social commentator, has unleashed a barrage of criticism aimed directly at the corridors of power. His message, posted on X, serves as a stark warning to the custodians of Uganda’s parliamentary system: there will be no tranquility in Parliament if they persist in their deliberate ignorance of public demands for accountability.

According to the exhibitors, Parliament, the supposed pinnacle of accountability and governance, has chosen to bury its head in the sand rather than face the damning revelations brought forth by the #UgandaParliamentExhibition. The resounding silence from its chambers speaks volumes about its alleged complicity in the corruption and malfeasance plaguing the country..

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Despite repeated calls for dialogue and transparency, the activists claim Parliament continues to dodge its responsibility to address the concerns raised by the exhibition. “Instead of engaging with the public and providing explanations, they opt to cancel sittings, hoping the issue will fade into obscurity. But we refuse to be silenced or ignored”, remarked one user on Tuesday.

The exhibition stands as a symbol of our determination to hold those in power accountable for their actions. The activists claim it will not cease until Parliament acknowledges its duty to the people it purportedly serves.

“We demand answers, and we will not rest until we receive them”.

The call for an extension of the exhibition, possibly stretching into May, underscores the depth of disillusionment among the populace.

As Parliament shirks its responsibilities, the exhibition is gaining momentum. Each passing day sees more revelations unearthed, more truths exposed. The participants say they will not be deterred by “their attempts to dismiss or discredit us. If they continue to turn a blind eye, we will only intensify our efforts to expose the rot at the core of our democracy.”

The leader of opposition in the house recently held a press conference where he called on the house to reconvene and address the allegations of corruption brought so far.

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According to Spire in a post on X “Our sources within the system continue to feed us information, despite the risks they face. They are tired of the corruption, tired of the impunity, and tired of the lies. It is time for those responsible to be held to account, and we will not hesitate to name and shame them.”

The issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds looms large over Parliament, with allegations of mismanagement and embezzlement running rampant. Where did the money go? Who benefited from it? These are questions that demand answers, yet Parliament remains conspicuously silent.

Furthermore, reports of bribery within parliamentary committees only serve to deepen the mistrust between the government and the governed. Those entrusted with upholding the rule of law have instead chosen to exploit their positions for personal gain. It is a betrayal of the highest order, and we will not stand idly by and watch it happen.

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In the face of adversity, we stand united, fueled by our determination to see justice served. Threats and intimidation will not deter us from our mission. We are fueled by love for our country and a desire to see it rid of corruption and injustice. Parliament may try to ignore us, but they will not find peace until they address the grievances laid bare by the #UgandaParliamentExhibition. With each passing day, our resolve only grows stronger.

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