Local Political Leaders Set to Receive Salary Increase in Next Fiscal Year – The Ankole Times

Local Political Leaders Set to Receive Salary Increase in Next Fiscal Year

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Raphael Magyezi - Local Government Minister
Elizabeth Karungi
3 Min Read

Local government officials are slated to see a significant increase in their salaries starting from the next fiscal year, as announced by the Minister for Local Government, Raphael Magyezi. Magyezi emphasized the necessity of improving the compensation for local political leaders during his appearance before the Parliament Committee on Public Service and Local Government, chaired by Ojara Martin Mapenduzi, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

The committee convened to review the ministry’s Policy Statement for the forthcoming financial year, 2024/2025.

Magyezi highlighted the importance of enhancing the remuneration package for political leaders at the local level, citing the rising costs of living. He expressed concern over the inadequate pay for councilors, stating that it fails to align with the current economic landscape.

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The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Ben Kumumanya, indicated that a Cabinet Paper will be presented, proposing a 100 percent salary increase for all local political leaders. This move comes in response to audits revealing significant disparities in the pay of public servants.

Presently, chairpersons at the parish and village levels receive a monthly remuneration of sh10,000, while sub-county chairpersons receive sh400,000, and sub-county councilors receive sh35,000 per month. Municipal, city, and district councilors are compensated sh250,000 monthly, with adjustments for taxation. Speakers and Deputy Speakers receive between sh300,000 to sh600,000, while City and District Executive Committee members earn sh600,000 per month. City and District Chairpersons receive shmillion.

Chairperson Mapenduzi lauded the Ministry’s initiative to boost the compensation of local government political leaders. However, he recommended reallocating funds designated for councilor induction towards strengthening the Parish Development Model, especially given the upcoming election period.

According to the Ministerial Policy Statement, the Ministry of Local Government has been allocated a budget estimate of sh202.15 billion for the next fiscal year, marking an increase of sh36.7 billion from the current financial year’s budget of sh166.8 billion.

Key areas of focus for the Ministry in the upcoming financial year include the review of the Decentralization Policy Framework, amendments to the Local Government Act (Cap 243), and the implementation of the Parish Development Model.

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Elizabeth Karungi, a news publisher at The Ankole Times, has been a driving force in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. Her strategic approach to online content delivery and social media engagement has propelled The Ankole Times to new heights, ensuring its relevance in the fast-paced world of digital news consumption.
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