MPs Begin Nationwide Evaluation of FY 2022/23 Budget Performance – The Ankole Times

MPs Begin Nationwide Evaluation of FY 2022/23 Budget Performance

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Parliamentary sessions in Uganda have been postponed for a period of two weeks to allow Members of Parliament (MPs) to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of the financial year 2022/2023 budget through oversight visits across the country.

Key Information

Date Event
01 Nov 2023 Parliament sessions deferred for budget assessment


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The Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa, who presided over the plenary session on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, officially adjourned Parliament until November 15, 2023, to facilitate this assessment.

Mr. Tayebwa emphasized the importance of reviewing the execution of the 52 trillion Ugandan Shillings budget for this financial year. He stated that, as the new budget cycle commences, parliamentary committees must verify the actual implementation of the budget rather than relying solely on reports.

Table 2: Deputy Speaker’s Remarks

Key Points Statement
Purpose of Adjournment Assess the execution of the 2022/2023 budget
Importance Ensure budget allocations match actual on-ground outcomes
Oversight Visits Conducted by parliamentary committees
Aim Improve budget performance


The Deputy Speaker expressed his intention to join some of the oversight visits to witness the progress of projects funded by the budget. He believes that these visits will contribute significantly to the oversight process.

Upon their return from these assessments, each committee will be expected to present their findings in Parliament, with the goal of enhancing budget performance.

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Lawmakers’ Recommendations

MPs’ Concerns Recommendations
Poor Roads Finance Ministry to release funds promptly
Budget Realism Budgets should be aligned with available revenue
Smart Budgeting Consider proposed revenue in tax bills


In related discussions, several lawmakers called on the government to ensure realistic budgeting to prevent shortfalls that can impede service delivery. They highlighted the issue of delayed releases from the finance ministry, leading to poor road conditions in various districts.

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Hon. Nathan Byanyima, representing Bukanga North County, stressed the need for budget realism. He argued that a budget focusing on a specific sector with tangible outcomes would be more effective than making unfulfilled promises each year.

Hon. Elijah Mushemeza, an independent representative from Sheema County South, called for a thorough evaluation of budget realism. He questioned the feasibility of a 52 trillion Shillings budget, considering Uganda Revenue Authority’s revenue collection, debt servicing, and global borrowing challenges.

Deputy Speaker Tayebwa advocated for smarter budgeting, emphasizing the importance of considering proposed revenue in tax bills. He proposed cost assessments for rejected tax proposals to ensure that the budget reflects achievable financial targets.

The Minister of State for Finance, Planning, and Economic Development (General Duties), Hon. Henry Musasizi, attributed budget challenges to the mismatch between budget releases and actual cash realization. He urged fellow colleagues to understand the circumstances and collaborate to address these issues.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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