New Sheriff in Town: Byakagaba Takes Over as IGP – The Ankole Times

New Sheriff in Town: Byakagaba Takes Over as IGP

Saturday, May 18, 2024
From Retirement to the Hot Seat: Byakagaba's Sudden Rise
Rothschild Jobi
2 Min Read

President Yoweri Museveni, in yet another classic move of Uganda’s perpetual game of musical chairs, has appointed the recently retired Abbas Byakagaba as the new Inspector General of Police (IGP). Because, why let a little thing like retirement get in the way of a good appointment?

Byakagaba, who clearly can’t get enough of the Uganda Police Force, is back in the spotlight. He will now take over from Martin Okoth Ochola, who wisely retired in February, possibly seeing the writing on the wall or maybe just looking forward to a quiet life away from the chaos.

Alongside Byakagaba, James Ochaya has been appointed Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP), replacing Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Katsigazi. Yes, the positions are musical indeed, but the music never stops in Uganda, does it?

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President Museveni, Commander in Chief and the ultimate decider of who sits where, has sent their names to the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among. She will now convene the Appointments Committee, who will, of course, vet them thoroughly before nodding in agreement because that’s what committees do.

Byakagaba is no stranger to the Uganda Police Force. He’s worn more hats than a boda boda driver on a rainy day. He’s been the Director of Operations, Regional Police Commander, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP), and Director of Counter Terrorism from 2020 to 2024.

Before that, he commanded the Senior Staff College Bwebajja from 2018 to 2020 and served as the Director of Human Resource Development from 2015 to 2018. Clearly, his resume is longer than a Ugandan traffic jam on a Monday morning.

As the dust settles on this latest shuffle, one can’t help but wonder what new adventures lie ahead for Byakagaba. Will he bring peace and order, or will his appointment just be another chapter in Uganda’s endless saga of political appointments? Only time will tell, but for now, the people of Uganda can sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

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Armed with a laptop, a cup of coffee, and an inexhaustible supply of internet culture, Rothschild Jobi is on a mission to conquer the online news realm. Today, he proudly oversees a staggering 100 news websites and portals spanning the globe, from North America to Europe, the UK, Asia, and even down under in Australia. Reach him using amnon [at]
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