Northern Uganda's Balaalo Crisis: Is Museveni Truly in Control? – The Ankole Times

Northern Uganda’s Balaalo Crisis: Is Museveni Truly in Control?

Friday, October 27, 2023

President’s Inconsistent Stance on Balaalo Eviction Raises Concerns


  • President’s Flip Flopping on Balaalo Eviction
  • Acholi Community Left Frustrated by President’s Shifting Position
  • President’s Inaction on Balaalo Invasion Draws Criticism

The President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, has faced criticism for his inconsistent approach to the issue of evicting Balaalo herdsmen from Northern Uganda. The Balaalo, a group of cattle herders, have been a source of tension in the region, with allegations of land encroachment, lawlessness, and disregard for local communities.

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The President’s changing stance on the matter has left many questioning his motives and intentions. While he initially issued Executive Order No. 3, declaring the Balaalo as illegal migrants and ordering their eviction, he later postponed and reversed this decision multiple times. In a recent consultation meeting with Acholi leaders, he unexpectedly declared that the Balaalo should stay.

This wavering position has raised several questions about the President’s leadership and commitment to resolving the Balaalo issue. Some wonder if he is being influenced by high-ranking military officers, politicians, and government officials who may have vested interests in retaining the Balaalo in the region.

The situation has created frustration and disillusionment among the Acholi community, who have endured the negative impact of the Balaalo’s presence. The herdsmen have been accused of damaging crops, exploiting resources, defiling children, and causing other social and environmental issues.

The President’s indecisiveness has also led to concerns about the effectiveness of the UPDF (Uganda People’s Defence Forces) in enforcing orders. Despite the existence of security forces, the unchecked entry of Balaalo cattle into Acholi land continues to pose challenges.

The roots of this crisis can be traced back to historical and socioeconomic factors, including past conflicts, poverty, and the erosion of traditional values and leadership. In addition, the influence of opportunistic individuals and outside forces has exacerbated the situation.

The President’s inconsistent stance on the Balaalo eviction issue has left the Acholi community frustrated and disillusioned. Many are questioning whether the President’s intentions are noble or whether there are hidden agendas at play. The need for a decisive and effective resolution to this long-standing issue remains a pressing concern for Northern Uganda.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
1 Comment
  • How can you guys from northern uganda ask for the eviction of balalo yet your the one getting money from these herdsmen we absolutely tired of these optimistic leaders from acholi sub region especially the districts of Amur,Atyak, gulu to mention after hiring and selling your land to the balalo then you ask for their eviction is northern uganda inhabitable for certain Ugandans??

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