Opposition Questions Government's Appointment of Assistant RDCs – The Ankole Times

Opposition Questions Government’s Appointment of Assistant RDCs

Tuesday, April 23, 2024
The exchange in Parliament highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in the government's decision-making process, particularly regarding appointments and administrative policies.
Paul K. Mugabe
2 Min Read

As the House convened for its plenary session, with Speaker Anitah Among presiding over the proceedings, the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Joel Ssenyonyi, Member of Parliament for Nakawa West and Spokesperson of the NUP Party, raised concerns regarding the recent appointment of assistant Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) by the government, questioning the rationale behind such appointments in light of the government’s recent rationalization policy.

Hon. Ssenyonyi voiced his skepticism, stating, “You can’t preach water and drink wine.” He questioned the necessity of appointing assistant RDCs when the roles of RDCs and their deputies are already established. His remarks highlighted the need for clarity regarding the responsibilities and functions of assistant RDCs within the administrative framework.

In response to the opposition’s concerns, Government Chief Whip, Hon. Hamson Obua, appealed to the Speaker to allocate time for the Minister for the Presidency to provide clarification on the appointment of assistant RDCs and Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) members, as well as their respective roles and responsibilities. He informed the House that the Minister for Presidency, Hon. Milly Babalanda, had requested an opportunity to address these issues in a statement scheduled for the following day.

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Further questioning the government’s decision-making process, the Leader of the Opposition also raised doubts about the qualifications and suitability of individuals appointed as assistant RDCs. In response, State Minister for Industry, Hon. David Bahati, clarified that the funding for the appointment of assistant RDCs had been allocated by Parliament in the current Financial Year, emphasizing the legal and budgetary basis for the government’s actions.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at] eastafrica.ankoletimes.co.ug
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