Speaker Among Holds Talks with Presidential Advisors – The Ankole Times

Speaker Among Holds Talks with Presidential Advisors

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Anita Annet Among, the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda, recently held a strategic discussion with Mr. David Mafabi, Senior Presidential Advisor on Special Duties, and Ms. Barbra Nabirye, Special Presidential Assistant for Special Duties. The meeting was arranged following their dispatch by President Yoweri Museveni to provide support to the Legislature on matters of strategic importance.

The discussion, which took place at an undisclosed location, saw the participation of Bukedea District Woman MP, Anita Among, along with the two presidential advisors. Among expressed her satisfaction and enthusiasm about the opportunity to meet with Mr. Mafabi and Ms. Nabirye, highlighting the importance of their collaboration in addressing critical national interests.

During the meeting, various topics pertinent to the nation were deliberated upon. Among expressed her gratitude towards Mr. Mafabi and Ms. Nabirye for their dedicated commitment to serving Uganda. The discussion encompassed a range of crucial issues affecting the country, reflecting the shared goal of advancing Uganda’s development and prosperity.

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The presence of Mr. Mafabi and Ms. Nabirye at the meeting underscored the importance placed by President Museveni on fostering cooperation and coordination between different branches of government. Their dispatch to support the Legislature signifies a proactive approach towards addressing strategic matters crucial for the nation’s progress.

As the Speaker of the Parliament, Anita Among plays a pivotal role in facilitating dialogue and collaboration between various stakeholders in Uganda’s governance structure. Her engagement with senior presidential advisors reflects the commitment of the Parliament to work closely with the executive branch in addressing key national priorities.

Overall, the meeting between Speaker Anita Among and Presidential Advisors David Mafabi and Barbra Nabirye signifies a constructive step towards fostering synergy and cooperation in addressing critical issues facing Uganda. Such collaborative efforts between different arms of government are essential for the effective functioning and development of the nation.

Participants Discussion Topics
Anita Annet Among Collaboration with Presidential Advisors
David Mafabi National interests
Barbra Nabirye Commitment to serving Uganda
President Yoweri Museveni Strategic support for the Legislature
Parliamentary Representatives Advancing Uganda’s development and prosperity

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Samuel Longoli is a distinguished news writer contributing to the journalistic endeavors of NS Media and The Ankole Times.
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