Uganda Police to Build New Shs77 Billion Office Space – The Ankole Times

Uganda Police to Build New Shs77 Billion Office Space

Friday, October 20, 2023

The Uganda Police Force (UPF) has disclosed plans to construct an office space in Naguru, Kampala, which will serve as the headquarters for 17 police directorates and one command center. Inspector General of Police (IGP) Martins Okoth-Ochola, along with a team from the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, formally initiated this construction project.

IGP Ochola highlighted that the primary objective of this initiative is to enhance the manpower and efficiency of the police force. He noted the longstanding accommodation issues faced by the UPF, which includes both office and residential challenges. Remarkably, since its establishment in 1906, the force has lacked a permanent headquarters.

“In 2011, the police surrendered 4.71 hectares of land for the Justice Law and Order Sector housing project, which among others, included the construction of police headquarters. The new building is expected to have a floor area of 14,934 square meters, spread over 12 floors. Additionally, it will feature a standalone conference center with a capacity of up to 500 people and ample parking facilities,” said IGP Ochola.

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This new facility is projected to be six times larger than the current police headquarters, facilitating the consolidation of all directorates into a single location. The housing challenges faced by the police have necessitated several directorates and units to operate from outside the police headquarters, hampering their operational effectiveness.

Addressing the financial aspect of this development, Mr. Robert Kasande, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, explained that this project is expected to yield substantial cost savings. Over the years, institutions under the ministry have incurred substantial rental expenses, amounting to more than Shs30 billion annually and approximately Shs210 billion over seven years. In contrast, the construction of the police headquarters is projected to cost Shs77 billion.

Following the completion of this phase, there are plans to construct a court building and a parking lot capable of accommodating up to 1,000 vehicles. This move is set to alleviate the UPF’s accommodation and operational challenges, enhancing its overall efficiency.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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