Uganda's Aviation Safety Compliance Exceeds Global and Regional Averages – The Ankole Times

Uganda’s Aviation Safety Compliance Exceeds Global and Regional Averages

Monday, October 2, 2023
Entebbe Airport's Safety Standards Praised in International Audit
Ibrahim Jjunju
1 Min Read

Uganda’s Minister of State for Transport, Fred Byamukama, announced on September 28 that the country’s aviation sector received a 72.17% rating in an audit conducted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The ICAO audit aimed to assess how well Uganda’s safety oversight systems align with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). These audits occur every six years. Byamukama revealed, “During the closing meeting of the audit held on September 18, 2023, ICAO’s Lead Auditor provided Uganda with a preliminary score of 72.17%.”

The results signify an overall enhancement in Uganda’s safety performance, placing the country above the regional average for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESAF) at 55.66% and the global average at 67.68%. Byamukama emphasized that this score demonstrates Uganda’s commitment to complying with ICAO standards and instills confidence in the international aviation community regarding the country’s aviation safety system.

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