UPDF Announces Changes in Office Titles – The Ankole Times

UPDF Announces Changes in Office Titles

Wednesday, April 10, 2024
PHOTO -- Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs
Elizabeth Karungi
2 Min Read

After the official launch of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) Establishment 2021 by the President of Uganda and Commander-in-Chief on February 17, 2024, several offices at the UPDF Headquarters have undergone changes in their names.

These changes in nomenclature come as a result of the degazetting of old offices and the gazetting of new ones, aligning with the UPDF Establishment 2021.

Effective from April 5, 2024, the public is hereby informed that new office titles have been officially adopted and will be used to designate various offices within the UPDF.

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Among the updated office titles are the Chief of Joint Staff (CJS), formerly known as the Joint Chief of Staff (JCOS), and the Joint Staff Human Resource Management (JS-HRM), previously referred to as the Chief of Personnel and Administration (CPA).

Additionally, the Defence Intelligence and Security (DIS) office has been renamed from the Chief of Military Intelligence (CMI), while the Joint Staff Logistics (JS-LOG) now replaces the Chief of Logistics and Engineering (CLE).

Furthermore, the Joint Staff Training and Doctrine (JS-TRADOC) office has been rebranded from the Chief of Training and Recruitment (CTR). Lastly, the Defence Public Information Officer (DPIO) title replaces the former Defence Spokesperson (DSP) designation under the Department of Defence Public Information (DDPIO).

For further clarification on additional titles or changes, the Defence Public Information Officer (DPIO) is available to provide necessary information as and when required by the general public.

UPDF Announces Changes in Office Titles
Credits: UPDF News Portal

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Elizabeth Karungi, a news publisher at The Ankole Times, has been a driving force in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. Her strategic approach to online content delivery and social media engagement has propelled The Ankole Times to new heights, ensuring its relevance in the fast-paced world of digital news consumption.
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