High Internet Costs Impeding Connectivity in East Africa – The Ankole Times

High Internet Costs Impeding Connectivity in East Africa

Monday, March 4, 2024
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Rothschild Jobi
4 Min Read

Access to the internet is increasingly vital for economic growth and social development in the modern era. However, in East Africa, the high cost of internet access poses a significant barrier to connectivity for many individuals and businesses. Despite efforts to promote digital inclusion, the region faces challenges in making internet services affordable and accessible to all.

At a recent meeting in Nairobi, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication, Technology, and the Digital Economy emphasized the importance of digital transformation for economic progress. Recognizing ICT as a driver of growth, the government aims to create employment opportunities and foster wealth generation, particularly among the youth.

While digitization holds promise for economic advancement, many East Africans still struggle to access the internet due to high costs and unreliable service. Despite initiatives to improve affordability and speed, internet connectivity remains out of reach for a significant portion of the population, limiting its utility to entertainment rather than productivity.

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Individuals like Joan Muthoni, a student at Nairobi University, and Reagan Gicia, a former cybercafé operator, highlight the financial strain imposed by expensive internet subscriptions. Despite their reliance on internet access for academic and business purposes, the high costs outweigh the benefits, leading to financial difficulties and business closures.

Data reveals that internet access in East Africa is among the most expensive globally, relative to income levels in the region. Although Kenyans pay a premium for internet services, they experience slower speeds and poorer quality compared to other countries with lower tariffs.

Efforts to expand broadband infrastructure and increase internet penetration have been met with limited success, despite significant investments by governments and international organizations. While access to internet services has improved, affordability remains a significant barrier to widespread adoption.

In addition to high costs, East Africa also grapples with poor internet speeds, further hindering connectivity and digital inclusion. Despite government initiatives to enhance broadband infrastructure, disparities persist between urban and rural areas, exacerbating inequalities in access to information and opportunities.

Advocates like Ms. Mutemi are pushing for policy reforms to address the affordability and accessibility of internet services in East Africa. By declaring internet access a fundamental human right, governments can prioritize measures to reduce costs and improve connectivity for all citizens.

However, regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing internet services have yet to provide satisfactory explanations for the persistent disparities in internet affordability and speed. Questions regarding the high costs of internet access in Kenya compared to other countries with faster speeds remain unanswered, highlighting the need for greater transparency and accountability in the telecommunications sector.

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The high cost of internet access and slow speeds in East Africa pose significant challenges to connectivity and digital inclusion. Addressing these issues requires concerted efforts from governments, regulatory bodies, and industry stakeholders to make internet services more affordable, accessible, and equitable for all citizens.

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Armed with a laptop, a cup of coffee, and an inexhaustible supply of internet culture, Rothschild Jobi is on a mission to conquer the online news realm. Today, he proudly oversees a staggering 100 news websites and portals spanning the globe, from North America to Europe, the UK, Asia, and even down under in Australia. Reach him using amnon [at] jakony.biz
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