Independent-NRM Candidate Dr. Lalam Anna Vows To Win Dokolo By-election – The Ankole Times

Independent-NRM Candidate Dr. Lalam Anna Vows To Win Dokolo By-election

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
NRM-leaning independent candidate Dr. Lalam Grace Atine, wearing a yellow attire and a Kitenge, at Dokolo Town Technical Hall on Monday. (Photo: Okidi Patrick)
Okidi Patrick
3 Min Read

The political atmosphere in Dokolo district is taking a new twist, as NRM-leaning independent aspirant, Dr. Lalam Grace Anna Atine, has begun implementing most of her manifestos before joining the 11th Parliament. During her address to over 20 media reporters at Dokolo Technical Institute on Monday evening, Dr. Lalam Anna Grace Atine vowed to win the forthcoming by-election in Dokolo, although she is running as an Independent candidate.

According to her, she has already distributed 28 mattresses to the top PLE performers in the 14 sub-counties, with the best girl and boy benefitting from her donation last week at Angwecibange school compound. Additionally, she has supported approximately 15 sex workers in Dokolo town with 500,000 shillings in order to change their attitudes from the practice of prostitution to alternative income-generating activities, using the capital she provided.

Lalam, a teacher by profession, stated she would support dropout students to enroll in short-term vocational courses and equip them with startup tools and capital to enable them to start productive, independent lives. Another item on her agenda is supporting teachers at both primary and secondary levels by taking them on tours to Mbarara, Entebbe, Masala in Kenya, and Tanzania for exchange visits.

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“I have the capacity to initiate Art teachers’ Saccos for all secondary schools in Dokolo with my first and second salary after being sworn in as an MP in parliament,” she affirmed.

Furthermore, she aims to support widows with grinding machines and provide Awara Awara with a Dyna Pick-up through lobbying efforts directed at the current NRM party chairman, Gen. Yoweri Museveni Kaguta.

In another development, Lalam emphasized her desire for all youth, women, and men of Dokolo to equally benefit from government programs without any segregation based on party affiliation. She declared on camera that she would contest as an independent candidate because she is energetic, youthful, and influential, promising to be an action-oriented leader of Dokolo district.

Lalam, an influential NRM cadre who served as secretary of health in Pader district local government from 2011 to 2026, promised to support all media houses, both national and in the Lango sub-region, according to their various capabilities, for the dissemination of information to benefit the Wanainchi or common person on the ground.

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Dr. Lalam Grace Atine, wearing a yellow attire and a Kitenge, at Dokolo Town Technical Hall on Monday. (Photo: Okidi Patrick)

A Dokolo town council NRM cadre mentioned that Lalam is likely to win the forthcoming by-election because she is not divisive. Additionally, a 59-year-old woman named Jane expressed her support for Lalam’s genuine pro-community agenda and manifesto by offering a bull.

Johnson Okello of Bala sub-county asserted that Lalam is now their incoming MP because she is beautiful and presentable.

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