Man Dies After Consuming 12 Bottles of Alcohol in Drinking Challenge – The Ankole Times

Man Dies After Consuming 12 Bottles of Alcohol in Drinking Challenge

Thursday, November 16, 2023

A reckless alcohol-drinking challenge has left a devastating mark on Namisindwa district, as 24-year-old Rober Welikhe tragically lost his life. Welikhe, a known alcohol enthusiast from Sikhendu village, Sikhendu parish, Bukiabi sub-county, succumbed to the ill-fated challenge after attempting to consume 12 bottles of Kakasa Kombucha, an alcoholic beverage from Kenya.

The challenge was organized by local trader Augustus Wete, who operates in the Riverside trading center at Bukiabi sub-county. Wete enticed participants with a Shs 10,000 reward for successfully downing the 12 bottles.

According to witness Michael Koyi, the event initially progressed without incident until Welikhe reached the 8th bottle. At that point, Welikhe collapsed and began exhibiting alarming symptoms, including foaming from the mouth and nose.

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Concerned residents rushed Welikhe to Lwakhakha Mercy Clinic in a desperate attempt to save his life. However, their efforts were in vain as Welikhe succumbed to his condition en route to the clinic.

Following the tragedy, Wete and his associates fled the village, prompting a manhunt by local authorities. Nicolas Soita, the LC III chairperson of Bukiabi sub-county, confirmed the incident and expressed their determination to bring those responsible to justice.

Enraged locals, demanding justice for Welikhe, left his body at Wete’s residence. Investigations are currently underway to fully understand the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.

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