Minister Amongi Injects 20 Million UGX into LC SACCOs, Ignites Joy in Lira City – The Ankole Times

Minister Amongi Injects 20 Million UGX into LC SACCOs, Ignites Joy in Lira City

Sunday, February 18, 2024
Mr. Otine CP, Ken Allan Owani, Honorable Speaker Okello Daniel, Ayo Proscovia Otyek, and Dina Bua attended the function to donate 20M to LC's SACCO by Honorable Minister Betty Amongi Akena on Saturday.
Okidi Patrick
3 Min Read

There was total excitement and happiness as the Local Council One chairpersons of both Lira City East and West benefited financially from Betty Amongi Akena.

Minister Betty Amongi on Saturday empowered LC SACCOs with 20 million UGX in Lira City. The Minister of Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Hon. Betty Amongi Akena, has fulfilled her pledge of 20 million UGX to support the Local Council One SACCOs in both Lira City West and East respectively.

Out of the 20 million shillings, ten (10) million was given to LC1 SACCOs of Lira City West Division, whereas another 10 million shillings was given to Lira City East Division. This took place at Little Flowers Nursery and Primary School located in Lira City.

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During her address to the LCs, Honorable Minister Betty Amongi promised to connect the LC1s in Lira City to the Uganda Microfinance Support Centre Limited to obtain low-interest loans to support their businesses. “Remember, many people who have now become successful in business seized the opportunities of securing cheaper credit from financial institutions,” said Minister Amongi.

The representative of all the chairpersons of LC1s association under their single umbrella of Lira City West Division, Mr. George Otwal, commended Minister Amongi Akena for being kind and supportive to all categories of individuals without segregation, including LCs, women, girls, and PWDs, who have long been forgotten in the City of Lira as far as development issues are concerned.

Okello, an LC One Chairman from City West Division, told our reporter that “Amongi should be called the Minister of Development and Action.” He promised that if anyone jokes with Akena and Amongi, then that person is an enemy of Lango as a tribe. Another female LC1 Chairman, 45 years old, narrated that Amongi is a gift from God, and whoever disturbs Amongi will face the wrath of the people of Lira City West because Amongi will secure a seal vote of 90 percent in Lira City West.

The chairperson of Lira City East Division LC1s Association, Moses Okullu Opio, said they will utilize this funding to support different development projects among the LC ones.

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Minister Betty Amongi Akena at a function in Lira City, where she donated 20 million in cash. Photo by Okidi Patrick.

One of the chairpersons in Anai ward, 50 years old, told The Ankole Times that Amongi is now known everywhere as the Savior of Lira City in 2026 and beyond. One of the LC ones who preferred anonymity cautioned those disturbing Amongi not to contest Lira City, as Amongi already has a sealed vote of 80 percent and is only waiting to be the next woman MP for Lira City in the 12th parliament.

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